Making the Game More Difficult to Play

Comment on the March 28 prediction:  For the most part, CORRECT, as prices rose as predicted, but up to $2.19, not just $2.09.

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 9:00AM:  Maybe it is karma for my “We know exactly what we’re doing” snark on March 28, but this week, many of the freely-available sources that The Gas Game uses to monitor wholesale prices in the Midwest went dark, at least temporarily.  We can always keep an eye on the publicly-traded futures contracts in New York, and there other tricks we have to try to track these prices, but they are less exact and less reliable.  But we’ll do the best we can going forward, and with oil prices shooting up on Friday, it is clear so did wholesale gas prices.  Looks like the station I track in Fort Wayne jumped up to $2.09 sometime in the past 16 hours, and there are reports that Ohio went up to $2.09 on Thursday.  So it is clear that a price reset is coming in Michigan and other Big Red states.  Figure that we are heading back to $2.19 either today (Saturday!) or on Monday. –Ed A.

Updated: April 9, 2016 — 9:11 am


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  1. Spot off to the races today. A spike is in the cards to at least $2.39 over the next day or two. Yikes

  2. You know, funny thing, again I bring up the fact that the Pilot Truck stop in Fort Wayne, is selling OTR Diesel, usually at 20¢ over regular, is today, at 15¢ UNDER regular. Meaning that gasoline is, for some reason, 35¢ outa whack! Things will be even worse after this next spike. Probably 45¢ or more.

  3. 2.49 this weeks spike?

  4. Is it just me, or is the “spike line chart” broken again? Because if you take the roughly $1.61 spot price + the roughly 68 cent adjustment, doesn’t that get you to $2.29? Which places the great lakes firmly in the danger zone today since we’re all running roughly 10-15 cents below the spike line? Fill ‘er up!?!?

  5. Since last week’s spike failed so miserably, I wonder if they’ll do the full $1 over spot and spike to $2.599. Wouldn’t be the first time…..

  6. right on spike line at 2.059-2.099 rt 20 nw Ohio corridor- although I notice both speedways I pass are a stubborn 2.159 10c higher than the marathon station across the street in one case

    we didnt go Tuesday but the 30-33c common rise should put it to 2.399 this week. I shall top off on the way to work in the morning..just in case

  7. Uh, spot was 1.60 yesterday, now it’s 1.47…. yet it’s UP 5 cents?
    Contract expire?

  8. $2.399 spike in Ohio under way.

  9. It’s not just ohio. Michigan and Indiana also being led to $2.39 by Big Red.

  10. and the march to 3.00 summer gas has begun..

  11. Happens every year.
    Granted, prices don’t usually DOUBLE between Valentine’s Day and end of April. Stations around me have gone from $1.23-1.25 to $2.399.

  12. Earlier this month when spot was $1.20, gas was $1.65. Roll the clock forward to now and spot is $1.47 and gas has shot up to $2.39.

    So I guess if spot is $1.70 by Memorial Day gas will hit $3 bucks then? Sure hope I’m wrong

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