Don’t Be An April Fool — Fill Up the Tank

Comments on the March 16 prediction:  Let’s dispel with this fiction that the Gas Game doesn’t know what we’re doing. We know exactly what we’re doing.  CORRECT.

Monday, March 28, 2016, 8:30PM:  It is one of those retail-prices-have-been-declining and wholesale-prices-have-ticked-up moments, as the retailers margins are gone, so it is price hike time.  For Tuesday, looks like a trip back to $2.09, or a few cents lower. –Ed A.

Updated: March 28, 2016 — 8:31 pm


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  1. And up it goes! Speedway setting the price at $2.19 for michigan this morning, $2.09 for Indy/IN and Ohio. Get it while you can!

  2. speedway leading the charhe in ohio..2.099 now being reported at speedways from Lima to Canton..spreading fast

    GAS Buddy hike alert bar just gone up on ohio site…2.099 it is

  3. ……and now the entire $2.XXx range is open for business. The industy, through various media chanels has done a number softening us up in preparation for rocketing prices in the next months and yeats.What with incorreect storage numbers, too little investment, normal wild swings, and others. It was nice while it lasted.

  4. $2.099 in sw Ohio underway.

  5. Yep, $2.09 in South Bend IN. I filled up for $1.87 this morning.

  6. nothing like a 21.7% increase. Up $.39 from $1.80.

  7. Ann Arbor area heading to $2.15 with the usual suspects leading the way.

  8. And spot has only fluctuated by 7-8 cents over the last 3 weeks. Looks like they’re pumping up the margins. All we need now is a pack of chipmunks or squirrels to penetrate the BP Whiting facility fenceline to cause an outage and $2.50 here we come!

    Oil down $1.05 currently, spot relatively unchanged and gas up over 20%….I LOVE IT lol

  9. Slight price war at 196 and M40 just south of Holland, MI. There is a new Pilot station across the highway from an established BP. Everybody else in town went to $2.19 yesterday, but these 2 are holding at $1.89. Vive le competition!

  10. independent retailer

    Cost to me yesterday was 1.85, I’m sure Speedway pays less than me. My retail is 1.99 that is a good margin in my opinion.

  11. Thanks, independent, it’s nice to hear how nice or vicious it is for real people and independent businesses out there.

  12. independent retailer – Thank you for the information and for your opinion!

  13. And, thanks to Speedway, Ohio has officially broken the $2 average barrier.

  14. Pilot has put the brakes on Greedways quest to see gas above $2 bucks in southwestern Delaware County Indiana. Greedway went to $2.09, while the Pilot truck stop decided $1.99 was enough. Will it hold once again next week?

  15. well..couple place in RT20 corridor have fallen back to 1.999 and Just seen 1.979 in Ashland Ohio

    oil continues to slide – down below $37 a barrel, although the relationship between oil and spot gasoline prices is very diluted these days

    if spot starts to tick down we may stay below $2.00 for April – although historically the run up to Memorial day and the start of the school holidays is when things normally heat up and peak

    no complaints though – 3.30 a gallon this time 2 years ago before peaking at 3.95 June 2014 !!

  16. Saturday hike in Chicagoland even with margins a penny better than on Friday.

  17. With this last spike on Tuesday the Speedways in the South Bend IN area also increased the difference between grades from .20 to .25.

  18. Just came back from a trip south along I-94, I-57, I-55, from Michigan to Arkansas. Once you get out of the Greedway footprint area, the prices ranged from 1.799 to 1.899. This started around center Illinois. Just as soon as you hit Greedway country, prices jumped to min of 2.099.

  19. I filled up today in Anderson Indiana for $1.65. Some of the cheapest gas in the state until Greedway hears about it lol

  20. Chris, they must have heard you. $2.09 in indy/indiana it is this morning per speedway!

  21. Same in Columbus, OH – $2.099

  22. Ohio wasn’t close to the spike line, either.
    Thanks, Big Red!
    Dayton and Cleveland areas spiking to $2.099 as well, per Speedway’s site.
    Not seeing it in Cincy yet.

  23. Make that ALL of Ohio now. $2.099. Glad I filled up for $1.839 this morning, at a NON-Speedway.

  24. $2.09 in South Bend IN also today

  25. And just like that, Anderson’s run has ended due to the “fine folks” at Big Red. Was $1.65, going up to $2.09…..just a measly 26% increase. I haven’t checked, but I’m sure spot and crude didn’t go up 26% yesterday.

  26. Not so loud, fellows. The reset in my neck of the woods hasn’t hit yet in the Ann Arbor area. Many prices are in the $1.79-1.83-1.85 range and that’s the way we want to keep it. I filled up at $1.83 yesterday in anticipation of an increase but nothing happening yet.

  27. Just what I expected, spring vacation coming to an end and crud up
    2.00 and roby up 6cents, greedway will do a jump soon,… in Michigan,… better
    fill up while you can,…

  28. I thought we were getting some spike resistance in Cincinnati because I did not see any $2.099s on the way home yesterday or this morning’s drive. But it now looks like the spike is gaining momentum. Thanks GREEDway.

  29. I’ve noticed, with the last couple of spikes, the non-Speedways along US 127 (Hamilton Ave in Cincy, Pleasant Ave in Fairfield), waited until the next day to spike. The Speedways end up having to come back down initially.

  30. The Meijer stations in Fort Wayne seem to be a day early lately on the spikes. At least it gives you a heads up to fill up in the morning.

    Also, someone mentioned the regular/premium gap had widened to $.50 where they were, and that has happened here as well. Question…at $.50 times 15 (or more) gallons, isn’t it better to just buy the additives at the store and dump it in yourself instead of paying $7.50, $8, or even $10 buying premium?

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