Comment on the January 15 prediction: I am seeing prices below $3 in different parts of west Michigan this weekend, and there have been no price resets since my last posting, so the prediction was WRONG.
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 4 PM: I am surprised at the restraint the retailers have been showing in 2025 so far, given their behavior in 2023 and 2024. Since the last hike on January 2, oil jumped from $70 to $80 a barrel, before settling a bit below $75 yesterday. Oil’s move upward has tacked on 10 cents a gallon to the wholesale gasoline price, although I am surprised it hasn’t been worse. Put it together, and many stations are selling gas this weekend at below their cost, something they have been loathe to do the past two years. Add in the fact that January – May is usually a time of slowly rising prices, and I have to predict (again) a price reset between now and Wednesday. $3.39? -EA
Illinois did get a hike on January 6, but a tame one. By the beginning of this week margins were worse than before the last hike with quite a few Speedway’s near cost. Nothing, all week. I think I’ll quit doing this if they don’t hike Monday.
A few GR Big M’s going to 3.29 today. Easy to find something cheaper… for now.
Family Express attempting for the 2nd time to $3.29. We will see if Speedway follows this time.
The Family Express attempt failed for the 2nd time. Speedway didn’t budge.
I’m in mid-Michigan and filled everything up Sunday @ $2.99 while exhausting $1.70 worth of Kroger points. I felt sure it would go up Monday. It’s now $2.93 at that Kroger location and there are others in the area that have been @ $2.89 for a while now.
I recall a time leading up to Christmas or Thanksgiving in the last couple years were Speedway confounded my predictions of an impending hike. I guessed it was a PR stunt for the holiday. I really haven’t a clup what they are up to now as most Illinois Speedways should be near to a few cents over cost.