$3.19? $3.29? $3.49? It’s Choose Your Own Adventure Time Again.

Comment on the January 5 prediction: Somehow prices actually declined, so the prediction was WRONG.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 7 PM: Oil has continued its New Year climb, which finally led to a price reset yesterday, with stations in west Michigan jumping from below $3 to $3.19. That was a mild hike, one that did not grab the kind of margins we saw in 2024. Marathon apparently agreed, because they started posting $3.29 last night. I saw one Shell station follow suit, in Ottawa County, but so far the rest are holding at $3.19.

However, updating my spreadsheets tonight, I see oil surged again, to $80 a barrel. Wholesale gas prices should follow suit, so the question is how long will it take to hit retail prices? I would not be surprised if more stations add a dime to get to $3.29 tomorrow, but I also would not be surprised if they all wait until Monday or Tuesday to post $3.49. Either way, I would fill up as soon as you can. -EA

Updated: January 15, 2025 — 6:20 pm


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  1. No spike in South Bend for awhile. Plenty of 2.99 and less.

  2. Looks like Indy area is spiking to $3.199.

  3. Family Express attempting a $3.29 hike this morning…seems very tame compared to recent margins…

  4. Costco East Lansing, MI just bumped up this week and was 2.79 as of this morning
    Speedway Okemos (Grand River) is 2.89- less .05 for speedy rewards discount nets out to be 2.84

  5. Costco East Lansing, MI just bumped up this week and was 2.79 as of this morning
    Speedway Okemos (Grand River) is 2.89- less .05 for speedy rewards discount nets out to be 2.84

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