Wishing for a Gas Price War for Thanksgiving

Comment on the November 7 prediction: Prices in Michigan continue to fall … slowly … so the prediction was CORRECT.

Thursday, November 17, 2022, 3PM: Wholesale prices in the Midwest continue to drop like a rock, for a number of reasons. One that we point out each year at this time is a seasonal trend down that almost always happens from Halloween until Christmas. Also, gasoline supplies continue to stabilize, as have oil prices. Maybe we’ll get some good news from Ukraine before the end of the year, too.

So, we should be seeing some significant drops in retail gas prices, especially here in west Michigan. And … we are not. Any price over $4 is basically gouging at this point, as the 0-cent margin price, according to my estimate, is close to $3 even. So, take a look at Allendale ($3.75) or Fuller/Michigan St. in Grand Rapids ($3.71) right now. Another promising place is always Sparta, but Lowell no longer seems to be a hot spot for gas price competition. And don’t get me started about Lake Michigan Drive.

Prediction: prices will continue to fall, at least through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. And somewhere a gas price war will break out. -EA

Updated: November 17, 2022 — 2:44 pm


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  1. Spot is now UNDER $2, yet the Cincy average is #3.759. Someone’s apparently going to have a nice Christmas. Whomever is lining their pockets with these profits.

  2. With crazy high mark up like this we need government intervention. Electricity has the utility regulatory commission to stop unreasonable profits on a product you have to have.

  3. Seems like local gas wars are breaking out in parts of Chicago Metro Area and especially down in Bloomington where a bunch of sub $3 prices are now appearing. $3.39 is the lowest near me for now. Down 20-40c in the last week I think.

  4. We are getting some small pockets of lower gas prices. I filled one of my SUVs at the Mt Healthy (North of Cincinnati) UDF for $3.419 including a 6¢ U-Drive discount. I could find slightly cheaper but just didn’t feel like driving. Most all of the city is still around $3.65 or higher.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  6. Spot $2.12. Cincy average $3.60 (and rising, per gasbuddy). What’s wrong with this picture?

  7. ChrisDG74
    Maybe dealers trying to make permanent increase in average sales margins. After all they are dealing with inflation just as we are, on the cost side (utilities, labor. delivery, rent maybe) In the 20+ years I have been following prices, the cpg margin has increased quite a bit even without a period of inflation like we recently had. Amazon workers here in Joliet walked out (one day) among other things want a $25 starting wage.

  8. Jim – Like Tyson Foods (and a lot of others), who kind of got caught, passing on MORE than the increased cost of business to their customers. “Our business costs have gone up 10%. Let’s raise our prices 20%.”

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