Another Good September for Gas Prices

Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 7AM: It continues to be a real snoozer in Gas Game land. Wholesale oil prices have been vibrating around $40 a barrel since mid-June, leading to retail prices in orbit around $2.10 for three months. We’ve gotten up to $2.25, and today we are under $2 in a lot of places. Historically, September is a good month for lower gas prices, as Big Red and friends tend to not be aggressive with their pricing, as they eye the end of the summer gas season. Right now, I estimate the 0-cent margin price to be $1.89, with prices in west Michigan ranging from $1.69 in Sparta to $2.09 in Grand Rapids. I can’t see those prices below the margin price sticking around too long, but it is unclear if will have a system-wide reset this week. If we did, it would probably go back to $2.09. -EA

Updated: September 8, 2020 — 7:02 am


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  1. $1.879 yesterday in Cincinnati’s Bond Hill. Crude under $38 this morning. What will GREEDway do?

  2. Gas has been a bit quiet this year. It’s funny what a pandemic will do. Oil seems to be trending down, and the averages are way lower than the Spike Line, so I don’t see anything going up spike wise anytime soon. Some local gas wars may resolve than the prices there will get more reasonable, of course.

  3. $1.99 reset in Grand Rapids

  4. South Bend IN – Speedway spike 1.99. Was 1.91 by ND. SBN avg 1.948. Filled up at Costco for 1.70.
    Niles MI no changes yet 1.69-1.89

  5. $1.999 spike under way in Ohio. Filled up for $1.739 this morning.

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