Still no drama, but a hike more likely soon

Comment on the June 26 posting: There wasn’t a hike, and it wasn’t really a prediction either.

Sunday, July 26, 2020, 6PM: Very little change since our last posting a week ago. In Kent County, although wholesale prices rose a bit the past week, we still see competition and nice discounts outside of Grand Rapids ($2.02 in Sparta!), but $2.20’s remain at Grand Rapids addresses. This time, with the rise in wholesale prices, I feel better predicting a price reset this coming week, with the new price in the $2.25-$2.29 range. -EA

Updated: July 26, 2020 — 5:51 pm


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  1. NW ohio starting to see prices dip below $2.00..even scored a 1.92 this morning

    sense a rest coming soon to maybe 2.199 or so

  2. Mid-late afternoon hike to $2.39-2.49 in Chicagoland. Below expectations again…

  3. Looks like the anticipated reset in west Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti is on. Prices rose from $1.82 to $2.19 this morning. Costco and Sam’s still at $1.79.

  4. Well, that was short-lived. Those that went to $2.19 are now back to $1.89-$1.91 with Meijer back down to $1.82.

  5. Interesting development. The owner of 7-Eleven to buy Speedway from Marathon for $21B. I didn’t see that one coming. In the Greater Cincinnati area we haven’t had a 7-Eleven for years but, of course, we have plenty of Speedways.

  6. Spike failed in most of sw Ohio. Gas is easily obtainable for under $2.
    I wonder if 7-Eleven will continue the spike-and-feather model, or if we will go back to flatter pricing.

  7. ChrisDG74, free gas on 7-11, like the smoothies?

  8. Bearcat….Prior to the pandemic, the plan had been to spin off Speedway as a standalone company. Announced a year or so ago.

  9. Another hike in Chicagoland, 4c lower than 8 days ago. Some stations were already still above today’s hike price.

  10. Looks like prices went to 2.19 today in the Lansing/mid-Michigan area. We had some local stations that had gotten as low as low as 1.79.

  11. Speedway trying 2.199 in Ohio (2.259 in sw Ohio) again. Guess since it failed so spectacularly last week, they’d try it again.

  12. South Bend IN – Speedway went from $1.92 to $2.09 here this week.
    I filled up at Costco for $1.81 who is now $1.93.

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