A Quiet July

Comment on the June 22 prediction: Pretty much CORRECT, as prices got back to $2.19 later that week.

Sunday, July 19, 2020, 6PM: Since prices reset to $2.25 on July 8, it has been pretty quiet. Oil is stuck at $40 a barrel. The S&P 500 is vibrating around 3200. Wholesale gas prices have dropped a bit. For retail prices, some places are playing the Game — dropping prices by a penny every day or two due to competition (e.g, Sparta, Cedar Springs, Lowell), some are not (e.g., Fuller, Lake Michigan Drive). If we reset this week, it looks like $2.19. But that depends on where we take our cues from. In Kent County, seems like the plan for now is to avoid Grand Rapids proper and head for other parts of the county. -EA

Updated: July 19, 2020 — 5:13 pm


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  1. Things in SW Ohio have loosened up a bit. The spike price of $2.259/$2.299 is less firm than earlier spikes in the late Spring and Early Summer.

    Scored a $1.959 fill up yesterday afternoon at the Hebron, KY GREEDway as <$2 gas is making somewhat of a comeback in some areas of town.

  2. Ohio jumping to $2.199 today. Wonder if sw Ohio will get $2.259

  3. Hate to say it doesn’t make much of a difference—still working from home, and I’ve gassed-up once since March! ??

    Anywhere between $2.059 and $2.199 in NW Ohio, from the GREEDway app.

  4. And we did. $2.259 in the sw corner of Ohio. I thought the special RVP requirement was done away with. Why are we still going higher than the rest of the state?

  5. Finally seeing real competition in Chicagoland for the first time in several months. Even a couple Speedways under $2 which is a major money losing price. However we’re getting due for a reset by conventional, pre-pandemic calculation.

  6. Seeing multiple stations well below the MI Spike Line, $1.89, in east Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti. Prices have been dropping the past few days. I’m guessing we’ll see a reset come Monday morning.

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