It has been a peculiar summer so far, so let’s fill up on Wednesday

Comment on the June 11 prediction:  CORRECT as prices slipped lower for the next 11 days, but WRONG on missing the hike last Thursday.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 3:00PM:  But it wasn’t much of a hike, and in some places, they’ve given it all back since Friday.  You can buy gas for $2.17 in Wyoming right now, but still at $2.39 in many other places, such as Dorr.  You know, we’ve had some odd behavior for two months now with odd hikes and a 20% drop in oil prices not corresponding to a 20% drop in wholesale or retail gas prices, even with a time lag.  So, let’s predict some more odd behavior.  In Wyoming, we are in price-hike territory already, but not in Dorr.  And with a long holiday weekend coming up, I can envision Big Red getting all the prices back in line in the next two days.  Back to $2.39, or will they go a little higher? -EA

Updated: June 27, 2017 — 3:09 pm


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  1. intriguing situation right now..most places in NW Ohio rt 20 corridor between 2.07-2.15 so up to 20c over ‘spike’ so no obvious justification to crank it up. 2 working days to go this week and next week a mixed picture..with the actual holiday on Tuesday and many buisness probably down Monday what to do..what to do..don’t think falling prices will sustain the ‘big red execs’ to hold off till next Wednesday
    my vote in Ohio back to 2.299 Thursday, breaking the recent streak of spiking just after than just before a holiday

  2. Indiana will have reason to spike soon as 10¢ of that available margin will disappear overnight Friday into Saturday. It will be a great excuse to spike. Can’t say if the other states will follow along.

  3. Spot and crude have been ticking up all week. Curious to see if Big Red will order a delayed spike at 1201am Saturday for us lucky Hoosiers to hide the dime tax hike? Several stations in my neck of the woods have dropped down to $1.97.

  4. From a local newspaper article quoting AAA:

    One of the most volatile regions as of late, the Great Lakes and Central States saw some stability on the week,” AAA reports in the release. “Ten (10) states saw prices decrease on average by 2 cents. Indiana (-8 cents), Illinois (-6 cents), Missouri (-6 cents) and South Dakota (-5 cents) all earned spots on the states with the biggest decrease list on the week.

    “Meanwhile, three states saw the only increases in the country: Indiana (+7 cents), Ohio (+4 cents) and Michigan (+4 cents).”

  5. All Family Express’s have increased exactly 10 cents from their price yesterday.

  6. Most stations around me went up a dime, a couple went up 12¢ (?), a couple stayed put, but my Kroger went down 2¢. Oh well, my May points expired yesterday, so I had to use them anyway.

  7. Gas is going up to $2.49/gal today In Michigan

  8. $2.359 is the spike price for Ohio.

  9. Yep starting to jump to 2.49 in Kazoo area..
    Hopefully Costco doesn’t jump this time either. Whoops see they did jump, but only to 2.06 from 1.99

  10. Speedway going to $2.39 in South Bend IN. Some made it down to $2.10 today.
    Costco at $2.03 has slowly came up from $1.93 several days ago.

  11. The day after spike strikes again… Not sure what spot dropped to today, but it looks like 40¢ profit margins again.

  12. According to the chart the Thursday MI Spike Line was $2.20. While MI’s average price is $2.36 there are many stations around me showing $2.18 – $2.22. Not sure that is sustainable.

    Question, has the Chart pricing for IN been updated to reflect the recent .10 increase in taxes?

  13. NW ohio all steady 2.15-2.23 typical price range.10-18 cents over zero margin No ‘hot spots’ but no evidence that a reset is needed

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