Cheap Gas in Belding

June 11, 2017, 7:00PM:  This spring, we’ve been commenting on what appears to be more aggressive retail pricing of gasoline, with more frequent price resets and higher margins.  That 0-cent margin price still exists, though, and when Big Red takes its foot off the accelerator, you start to see wide variation of prices in the region, like we are seeing this weekend.  As I write this, you can get gas for $2.10 in Belding (northeast of Grand Rapids), but a few miles away, prices are in the $2.40’s and even $2.50’s in some places in GR.  That’s because of the fat margins of those in the 2.40’s right now, and the slim-to-none margins in Belding.  With competition, margins shrink.

Going forward, I see no reason for a price reset any time soon, except maybe in Belding.  And, although we don’t tend to engage in long term predictions here on The Gas Game, this tweet from an economic professor suggests significantly higher oil prices are on their way, and gas prices will follow.  Right now, I don’t believe it, but take a look! –Ed A.

Updated: June 11, 2017 — 7:07 pm


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  1. Ed, based on this info what’s the spot price for Indiana? Right now we’ve got Avg $2.14 in Indianapolis with lows from $1.99 to highs $2.39. I know our prices will be going up 10 cents in July but I don’t know what they are in relation to Michigan anymore.


  2. According to gasbuddy those stations are back up to 2.38/gallon in belding

  3. 23 gallons for $46 in Fort Wayne. I’ll take it as long as I can get it. Thanks to our state government, who spent the gas tax collections on social things, they are going to cost me almost $3 more in three weeks. Bet we never see the highway effects of that windfall they are expecting. Driving in Fort Wayne, all I see or hit is potholes.

  4. I hear ya TimmP. I live in Delaware County where we have a $25 dollar per vehicle wheel tax (paid yearly) with some of the worst roads in the state. This 10 cent gas tax increase has me wondering if it will really go to improving roads, just like you said.

    Curious to see if the 10 cent jump will be disguised inside a spike or will we just see the dime added to the price the morning of July 1st. Several people I’ve talked too aren’t even aware of the upcoming tax hike. I’ll bet they work it into a 25-30 cent spike where most will be indifferent to it

  5. update from NW ohio rt 20 corridor..prices have fallen sharply today..scored a 2.079 in way home and lots of 2.11-2.15 around. given spot will probably tick up today it puts a lot of areas less than 10c above spike..and the commentators on here have expressed what has been happening recently in that regard
    no doubt the Speedway accountants are pouring over the spreadsheets and looking at the calander..22 days to July 4th
    2.35-2.39 by Thursday..then let it fall next week and test the years high of 2.499 week after?. Like to think not but its all lining up
    cant complain though I guess.. 40c a gallon less than this time last year……

  6. Chris, I live just NE of Fort Wayne, and also started this year, was the City added $10 per registration as you have. Fort Wayne also added another tax I can’t remember. So glad I moved out when I did. The city streets are so much worse than the county roads. I’m with you, if possible, the extra 10¢ will be buried in a spike that never gets recovered from.

  7. rectracting my view from monday as spot continues to plunge. scored a 1.999 on way home in Ashland county Ohio..didnt think would see sub $2.00 this side of October..but June like the weather can be volatile- thats why paying attention to the nightly numbers on here can help make good decisions as to top off or hang off till the E light comes on…

  8. just filled up at 10c below Ohio spike line..amazing for this time of year but something has to give soon as clearly this cannot continue although dream it will

  9. Wish we could get that in Cincy. We still have a TON of $2.20s and $2.30s.
    I was able to get it for $1.969 today at a Kroger.

  10. Got Gas in Greenville for $2.09….While Grand Rapids lingers in the $2.20’s to $2.40’s!
    Can’t believe the difference in different section’s of town, and the people that pay top price!

  11. Scored a $1.99 tank of gas on the way home NE of Fort Wayne. And that has nothing to do with Kroger.

  12. Most Lansing area stations are still well over two bucks. 20-30 miles north in Saint Johns most places seem to be in the $1.90s. One of the Kroger stations in the area that I use regularly because it’s usually the cheapest Kroger around was still $2.25 yesterday.

  13. Big Red reset in motion this morning now… going to $2.29 throughout primary Indy/Indiana area. Was good while it lasted.

  14. Ohio joining the $2.29 spike party now also

  15. How is there a reset! Oil prices have tanked 2 bucks from over the weekend at least! Grr! I miss my Thorntons text alerts. The Meijer ones aren’t as reliable.

  16. GREEDway padding those profits again. Ohio was 72 cents over spot (not counting today’s drop).
    Been the M.O. the last few spikes: spiking about 10 cents early.
    Shell helped them out this time, jumping yesterday.

  17. Another M.O has been to spike on days when crude and spot have a nice drop. Both down nicely today and wala…we have another jump in prices. Filled up yesterday for $1.96 so I beat em to it!

  18. Looks like SW Michigan might be getting ready for a hike… Some of the Greedways just dropped to 2.05. They usually drop right before they put a big hike in place, plus the news just talked about how our prices have fallen. That is always a giveaway that a hike is coming, better fill er up…

  19. Local news here ran a story this morning, about falling gas prices, a day AFTER the spike….
    Usually they run the day of.

  20. In anticipation of a price hike, and needing gas, I filled up everything I had this morning at a Lansing area Kroger for $2.14. I had a 40 cent discount, so I got 35 gallons for $1.74.

  21. “So far this year, oil has lost 20 percent in value, its weakest performance for the first 6 months of the year since 1997.” Yet gasoline prices are higher in the upper Midwest than they were 6 months ago…

    If they’re going to make 38¢ profit off a gallon of gasoline, I guess I’m back to not setting foot inside the store.

  22. The price spike in SW Ohio was supposed to be $2.299 according to GasBuddy. It seems the majority of stations bypassed that and spiked to $2.359. Amazing!

  23. It doesn’t look like anything is happening today in Michigan.

  24. I got gas gas just outside of Lansing for $2.00/gal

  25. Up to 2.39 in West Michigan

  26. One of the three Big Red stations near me has pushed its price to $2.39 in the Ann Arbor/Ypsi area. Nobody’s following at this point but it shouldn’t take long. It’s like a race, if one makes a break for it they all follow or risk getting left behind.

  27. NW ohio rt 20 corridor very mixed going into pre holiday weekend. since the spike have managed to score 2.10-2.15 prices..a lot of places already down 10c since last spike

    with most places still 20-30c above the spike line cannot see anything happening next week at the it yet another case of no pre holiday spike than one on the first workday after the holiday..we shall see

    right now watching prices and topping up as needed..each day a few cents less than the last

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