Oil Prices Dropping, Gas Should Be Next

Comment on the February 26 prediction:  Prices rose in Michigan to $2.55 on the 28th, so the prediction was CORRECT.

Saturday, March 11, 2017, 8:00AM:  I am not smart enough to know why oil prices dropped 10% in the past week, but that does mean that we will be seeing lower gas prices this coming week.  Don’t be in a rush to fill up, as we should see prices drop below $2.20 in the next few days.  That usually happens first in Lowell and/or near 44th Street in GR.  The situation may look different Thursday morning, though. -EA

Updated: March 11, 2017 — 8:02 am


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  1. still some good margins NW Ohio RT 20 corridor. Lots of 2.15-2.25 around..but equally couple of hot spots under $2.00 and many more around 2.05-2.10. pays to play the game..topping up daily as traditionally things start to get volatile this time of year
    Gas buddy reports we are about 20c a gallon higher than this time last year..lets hope it stays that way at least

  2. On the Cincinnati Gas Buddy Lowest Price Board we of noon on 3/13 the prices range from $1.98 to $2.01. Every station on that board with the exception of one (Costco) is United Dairy Farmers. Kudos to UDF for once again helping to drive the price down.

  3. Big red pulling their spike lever this morning… going to $2.29 in majority of Indiana and Ohio, $2.39 in Michigan.

  4. Greedway spike in Ohio. Not necessary at all.
    Must be that increase in interest rates yesterday. Someone at GREEDway must have taken out a variable-rate mortgage…..

  5. 2.29 here in South Bend IN also now, up about .20.
    Costco went lower to $1.99, lol.

  6. We’ve been above the spike line for how long now? A little blip upward on oil prices and hold on to your wallets!

  7. As of early this morning, in Fort Wayne, I am seeing all stations except Lassus Handy Dandy (of course) and Speedway, still at under $2.09, most at $2.02. But I’m sure we are in for an afternoon or Saturday spike to join the rest of the midwest.

  8. I have no expertise to judge whether prices will lower or not so I would say don’t be in a hurry. Hold on to your wallet and wait to see what will happen next.

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