You Know You Want To Go Lower, Mr. Gas Price

Comment on the March 11 prediction:  Prices did fall for a few days, and the situation apparently was different on Thursday morning, as we saw a reset, which didn’t fit my calculations.  So, I am going to say WRONG.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 3:30PM:  Prices want to go lower, but they are taking their sweet time.  There’s a lot of $2.26’s around today, and if today’s wholesale drop of 5 cent holds, we are looking at a 0-margin price of $2.13, if I’m doing things right, so we have room to fall.  It is hard to say at this time of year, as we switch to “summer gas”.  Nevertheless, I’m going with the prediction that we won’t see a hike for the rest of the week. -EA

Updated: March 21, 2017 — 3:39 pm


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  1. I was surprised by last weeks reset also stations in Grand Rapids near Michigan and fuller we’re still above 239 when they reset to 2 39 I am confused though with Patrick’s tweet yesterday afternoon where he said Chicago RBOB surged $.10

  2. last weeks ‘reset ‘ was certainly out of character in Ohio still seeing lots 2.20+ NE ohio rt 20 corridor which gives a 30c margin over spot. few places towards Cleveland suburbs..Strongsville especially were 2.099 over weekend. towards Mansfield OH a few 1.99 creeping in..just its 20 miles in wrong direction for the daily commute.the game continues

  3. not often you see Mansfield Ohio topping the state lowest…but it is today according to gasbuddy..1.889 at a group of stations all together,,Kroger..BP and shell. prices nearby look like may touch 1.999 by Monday also, given the current spike line price

    maybe time to go Krogering its only 10 miles away and the Jeep is about empty

  4. It continues to look like MI retailers are intent on squeezing every last ounce of profit from the Winter Blend. With Spot at $2.00 and the average retail here at almost $2.30. Of course, that means the reset for the Summer Blend just makes the price higher when it happens.

  5. Correction! Should’ve said retail at .30 over the Spike Line. I should know better than to post before my morning cup of coffee.

  6. Is the spike line a little off in Indiana, or am I mathematically challenged? I’m coming up with about $2.05. Important, because in the Fort Wayne area, we are hovering just over that level right now.

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