Comment on the October 27 prediction: Two days after my post, prices reset to $3.29 in Michigan, so the prediction was WRONG. Then, prices gravitated towards $3.
Sunday, November 10, 2024, 8 AM: My read of wholesale prices out of Chicago is that they have been pretty steady since Labor Day. Out of Detroit, there has been more volatility, as you can see on this chart, but they have been in a downward trend for the past six weeks. That Detroit trend has helped push prices noticeably below $3 in Michigan in certain places, like Greenville.
However, we continue to live in the higher-margin world in 2024, with less tolerance by those who define retail gas prices for the 0-cent margin price (which I estimate to be in the $2.60’s). With the election over, I think we’ll see an attempted reset in Michigan this week in the $3.19-$3.29 range, which would be consistent with how the Game has been playing out this fall. I would be looking to fill up below $3 today or Monday. -EA