One more week of sliding prices?

Comment on the October 1 prediction: Prices have been dropping all month, but slowly. The prediction was CORRECT.

Sunday, October 15, 2023, 9:00 PM: Looking back at the last several weeks, oil hit a closing high of over $93 a barrel on September 27, which turned into a hike to $3.79 the next day. Other than some strange market behavior on Friday the 13th, oil prices have been dropping, and so have gas prices, particularly as seasonal effects have kicked in. This evening, Lowell is the place to fill up in Kent County, as serious competition has kicked in, dropping the price to $3.23 a gallon. Nice competitive pricing in the Jenison area, too. Prices are stuck in the upper $3.60’s in Allendale, though, as the competitive pricing we saw earlier this year near GVSU has disappeared.

What’s next? Friday’s jump is going to make it hard to get down to $2.99, but gas prices still have room to fall before we get into price hike territory. Seek out prices in the $3.20’s if you can. -EA

Updated: October 15, 2023 — 9:03 pm


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  1. $3.69/3.79 in Chicagoland, as expected, albeit 10c lower than predicted. It has been more than 9 weeks since the last hike in this market and once Speedway jumped into the competition whole heartedly a couple weeks ago, it was just a matter of time

  2. Went to Kroger yesterday afternoon. Cost per gallon was $2.779 ($3.179 – .40 cents accrued for fuel points). I have another 40 cents via fuel points available for the wife’s vehicle.

    One of our local stations have been predicting Oil exceeding $100/bbl because Iran and Hezbollah may enter the Gaza conflict. They are also saying Oil is already over $90/bbl. It has been around $85 for the last couple days. I wonder if they know the difference between Brent and Crude.

  3. Reset to $3.299 in Ohio yesterday. Granted, a LOT of stations in sw Ohio would have to come DOWN to that price.

  4. 2nd week in a row with a reset by Family Express to $3.59 in NW Indiana

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