Comment on the September 26 prediction: Surprisingly CORRECT, as prices rose in Michigan to $3.79 on Thursday.
Sunday, October 1, 2023, 5:00 PM: The hike to $3.79 in Michigan made sense last Sunday, and it made a lot less sense on Thursday, since wholesale prices were dropping all week. Here’s a clue — in stations I watch in Fort Wayne, Indiana, they jumped to $3.79 before last weekend, and at the moment: $3.64. Easy prediction that we’ll see similar action this week in west Michigan. Costco knows … they are $3.36 on 28th Street.
Why did we get the hike on Thursday? Is someone at Big Red and friends reading this blog? -EA
Many Speedways for the first time in weeks are taking the lead in lowering prices in northeast IL. Looking at the last wholesale post, I smell a possible hike soon,
I should have waited to see the latest wholesale, which dropped 17c last evening. Never my previous mention of a hike.
Insanity. Spot at barely $2, and we’re still paying $3.43 for regular unleaded in sw Ohio
Inflated margins. Pipeline, Terminal, Distributor, Retailer and the Government?
Definitely harder to find cheaper fuel. Use to spot a few below cost stations regúlarly on road trips with the aid of GasBuddy.
$3.59 jump in NW Indiana led by Family Express!