Comment on the August 9 prediction: Perfectly CORRECT, as prices rose to $3.99 the next day (and I filled up for $3.69 that morning).
Sunday, August 20, 2023, 7:00 PM: Oil prices continued their July run-up until August 9, and then backed down a bit. That has kept wholesale gasoline prices at bay, and they have actually dropped a bit. So, we have seen some prices in west Michigan back into the low $3.70’s, which is close to my 0-cent margin price. However, we have a lot of stations still above $3.90, so I’m not worried about a price hike for a while. I’ll find my way to Jenison/Hudsonville in the next few days to fill up. -EA
Your 0-cent margin is too high for Michigan right now. PM me and I’ll tell you today’s cost.