I’d rather be in Fort Wayne, filling up for $2.99

Comment on the June 25 prediction: It is like they are teasing me, raising prices on Monday, June 26, after I wrote the day before “the evidence is not compelling that a hike is imminent” and if they did hike, “we would be looking at $3.49 a gallon”. Instead, $3.59 in Michigan. Boo! WRONG.

Sunday, July 7, 2023, 7:00 PM: We’re back after the holiday break last weekend, trying to determine what is happening with gas prices. Oil prices jumped up 5% this past week, but gas prices, at least in Michigan, seemed unnecessarily elevated, particularly as ethanol prices reset 20 cents lower. Retail prices have worked their way lower, and in Fort Wayne, there are several stations under $3. Using RBOB prices, I am estimating the 0-cent margin price to be in the $3.30’s, and in west Michigan we have a lot of stations there, and also a few up in the $3.50’s. If oil prices hold above $73 a barrel tomorrow, I think we see $3.59 across the board again. Recommendation: fill up below $3.40 if you can find it. -EA

Updated: July 9, 2023 — 6:46 pm


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  1. Expecting IL to jump to $4.159 or so Monday or Tuesday. It has been a nice month dropping since the last hike to $4.49.

  2. $2.979 in sw Ohio this morning.

  3. $3.599 Indianapolis area spike led by Speedway.

  4. $3.399 in Ohio. $1.04 over spot. In line with Big Red’s increased margins of late.

  5. I gassed-up yesterday afternoon at a Shell that was showing $2.929. And got lucky for once because twenty minutes later, passing the GREEDway closest to me, they’d gone to $3.399, so thankfully that Shell station in downtown Toledo hadn’t gotten the memo! (One of the GREEDways in Bowling Green, OH, was late to respond, so if one happens through there and is a GREEDway Rewards member, they could tank up for $3.189 per.)

    $3.399 is the new normal in Northwest Ohio

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