Old School Price Hike on Monday

Comment on the February 26 prediction: As far as “no sign of price acceleration”, the prediction was WRONG, with hikes to $3.49 and then $3.59 last week.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:30 PM: I go on a trip for a few days, and our networks of gasoline stations decide to find some old-school energy for a classic hike, to $3.59. I wasn’t paying attention if Marathon started the party, but prices reset quickly across the region, a dynamic we haven’t seen for a while. Even our new friends at Kum & Go hiked, but just a bit. That has kept a lid on prices on Alpine Avenue.

So, what happened? With gas blends starting to change on March 1, wholesale prices jumped last week and into this week — at least 20 cents higher than a week ago. This is actually typical this time of year, but February’s lack of movement lulled us to sleep. It was an old-school hike for another reason. Today, we are looking at the price of oil down more than 3%, with wholesale gas prices soon to follow, and that happens more than it should after a hike.

Thinking about the next two months, I am going to take the stance that the typical December-May runup of prices will continue, but slowly. -EA

Updated: March 7, 2023 — 2:24 pm


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  1. Spring break your gas budget season.

  2. 3.59 NW Indiana led by Family Express

  3. Indy area hike to $3.599 led by Speedway and BP.

  4. $3.59 spike in NW Indiana led by Speedway

  5. Nice crash on the futures market to go with yesterday’s spike to $3.59 in central Indiana.

  6. South Bend IN $3.59 Speedway also. +0.20 Time to visit Costco for $3.13.
    SBN avg $3.40.

    Niles MI $3.21-3.39 a few miles N.

  7. Marathon doesn’t own stations anymore, they sold Speedway to SEI. Marathon stations are all dealer owned now. When you refer to Marathon, I think you’re actually seeing GPM owned stations move. GPM has 3,200 locations in 33 states and owns Admiral, Next Door and Village Pantry brands among others. They don’t own all of the Marathon stations in the state, but they are the newest 900 lb gorilla on the block.

  8. Survived the week without a hike in Chicagoland due to Wednesday’s crash. But Chicago RBOB spot is on it’s usual seasonal ascent vs CBOB as full summer blend requirements now in force.. Now 12c more. Hike likelhy hear next week to a new 2023 high;.

  9. $3.79/$3.89 today in Chicagoland

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