Comment on the February 19 prediction: Pretty much CORRECT, as a price reset to $3.29 worked its way through the system starting on Wednesday (thanks, Marathon). This was after a moderate uptick in wholesale prices, which of course reversed itself after the hike was initiated.
Sunday, February 26, 2023, 11 AM: And to continue, because that uptick was moderate, some stations never embraced the $3.29 hike, basically neighborhoods that have a new Kum & Go (Alpine Avenue, Division and 54th). You know, I am starting to think that this oddly-named chain from Iowa is going to be a gift to us in Kent County in 2023. Grandville, it looks like you are next.
Ignoring K&G for a moment, the only possible hike in sight is if other stations jump from $2.99 up to $3.29. No sign of any price acceleration right now. -EA
Yesterday a $3.39 attempt by Family Express in NW Indiana.
$3.499 in parts of Ohio. Seems a bit overdone, given spot prices….
Seeing a few GPM stations in Indianapolis at $3.499.
Now seeing Speedway hike to $3.499 for Indy area.
Speedway undercutting Shell (who spiked first), by 20 cents. Big Red official spike to $3.299.
GPM is moving to 3.499 in Northern Michigan
South Bend IN – Speedway from $3.09 to $3.49 by ND the other day. I think Phillips 66 lead the spike. Costco went from $2.99 to $3.04.
Escaped this week despite the relentless rise in spot. Expecting $3.79 Monday or Tuesday in Chicagoland.
GPM starting a move to $3.59 in Northern Michigan.
“Just” $3.69 in Chicago’s collar counties today for Speedway.