It’s Been Fun While It Lasted — Price Reset Likely Soon

Comment on the July 31 prediction: Basically CORRECT — no price hike the following week.

Sunday, August 14, 2022, 4PM: Wholesale prices hit a short-term bottom a week ago, and with Friday’s close, are back to where they were on July 22. Meanwhile, retail prices have continued to drop dramatically (hooray!), and it is not hard to find gas for under $3.79 in west Michigan. Unfortunately, that is pretty much our calculated 0-cent margin price, so our two month adventure of falling prices looks like it is just about over. The most obvious system-wide price reset would be to $3.99, and that could happen as soon as Monday. Based on that prediction, fill up before noon on Monday. -EA

Updated: August 14, 2022 — 3:50 pm


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  1. $2.84 in Henderson Kentucky has me planning another road trip. Up North is pricing themselves into less desirable visitation.

  2. $3.999 spike in Indy area.

  3. Based on this morning’s much higher wholesale and while watching spot plummet, Speedway decided to hike to $4.59/4.69 this evening (per their app) in Chicagoland Greed, pure greed.

  4. Spot for Chicago was down more than 21 cents today/

  5. Speedway reset to $3.699 in Ohio.
    Funny thing is, the average price in the Cincinnati area as $3.934 yesterday. We’re getting fleeced.

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