A quiet month so far for gas prices

Comment on the October 5 prediction: There seemed to be scattered resets over the past two weeks, but I think the prediction was primarily WRONG.

Monday, October 19, 2020, 4PM: Prices have been stable this month, almost frozen, from crude oil to wholesale prices. Retail prices have moved lower, but slowly, and other than a few places where prices have dipped down below $1.85, most places have enough margin built in that a price hike doesn’t seem to be in the cards. In the Grand Rapids area, head to Jenison or Sparta if you can, for the cheapest prices. A hike to $2.05-$2.09 could happen, but that would be lower than how much gas costs in many places, so I am not rushing to fill up. -EA

Updated: October 19, 2020 — 3:55 pm


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  1. Speedway rolling out a real lowball hike in Chicagoland this evening.$2.19 collar counties and $2.29 Cook. This is a hike of about 12-14c only over their pre hike average.

  2. $2.199 in Ohio yesterday too. Seems a bit unnecessary. Don’t think this spike will fare any better than the others. Paid $1.679 this morning.

  3. ChrisDG74…$2.19 there seems more greedy than here especially as our taxes are higher and our wholesale should be higher for RFG.

  4. Grand Rapids Speedways and others going to 2.15.

  5. Jim Kaplan – if the price on the spike line page is correct ($1.08), then Big Red really went for the throat. They can have their 55-cent margin(after adding in taxes to spot ($1.08+0.56). They’re just not going to get it from me.

  6. Yep. Another failed spike. Plenty of sub-$2 gas to be had in sw Ohio.

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