Comment on the October 5 prediction: There seemed to be scattered resets over the past two weeks, but I think the prediction was primarily WRONG.
Monday, October 19, 2020, 4PM: Prices have been stable this month, almost frozen, from crude oil to wholesale prices. Retail prices have moved lower, but slowly, and other than a few places where prices have dipped down below $1.85, most places have enough margin built in that a price hike doesn’t seem to be in the cards. In the Grand Rapids area, head to Jenison or Sparta if you can, for the cheapest prices. A hike to $2.05-$2.09 could happen, but that would be lower than how much gas costs in many places, so I am not rushing to fill up. -EA
Speedway rolling out a real lowball hike in Chicagoland this evening.$2.19 collar counties and $2.29 Cook. This is a hike of about 12-14c only over their pre hike average.
$2.199 in Ohio yesterday too. Seems a bit unnecessary. Don’t think this spike will fare any better than the others. Paid $1.679 this morning.
ChrisDG74…$2.19 there seems more greedy than here especially as our taxes are higher and our wholesale should be higher for RFG.
Grand Rapids Speedways and others going to 2.15.
Jim Kaplan – if the price on the spike line page is correct ($1.08), then Big Red really went for the throat. They can have their 55-cent margin(after adding in taxes to spot ($1.08+0.56). They’re just not going to get it from me.
Yep. Another failed spike. Plenty of sub-$2 gas to be had in sw Ohio.