Comment on the September 20 prediction: Pretty much CORRECT, as prices rose as predicted, “maybe higher” to $2.19.
Sunday, September 27, 2020, 5PM: We had a price hike as wholesale prices rose a week ago, and of course then those prices started falling. So, we have an “air pocket” for prices to drop below $2 again, and I think they’ll take their time. But, no price hike on the horizon this week. -EA
SW Ohio back up to $2.199.
Saw a $2,29 in Cincinnati yesterday…lots of $2.15-2.19s down there. Fort Wayne just saw a few dip back below $2. Until next week…. I see Chicago spot is about a dime higher than NY as well. Wonder what’s up with that?
Rufus77…on twitter yesterday:
Patrick De Haan
Sep 30
PADD 2 motor gasoline inventories are at their lowest seasonal level ever recorded (going back to 1990).
Rufus77 – paid $1.879 in Cincinnati this morning. You just have to know where to look.