I’ll make this short … time to fill up!

Comment on the October 14 prediction: CORRECT, as prices rose later that day.

Sunday, October 27, 2019, 7PM: I was in downtown Grand Rapids an hour ago and saw $2.29 a gallon on Fuller Ave, and there are a lot of $2.30’s around town. Best calculation I have right now of the 0-margin price is $2.40, so we are set for a hike on Monday or Tuesday. New price estimate: $2.69. Fill up! -EA

Updated: October 27, 2019 — 6:56 pm


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  1. We had a hike Thursday which failed (unusual in this market). Then our boutique spot rose 6 3/4c Friday. We could have another in Chicagoland as soon as tomorrow.

  2. Indy area spiking to $2.559.

  3. $2.159 at UDF this morning.
    Love not having enough Greedways in the area to influence pricing.

  4. South Bend IN – Speedway by ND from $2.35 to $2.55 today.
    Costco $2.21

    Niles MI – Speedway $2.55 also. Niles WMT @ $2.27

  5. SW Ohio spike to $2.699. UDF leading the way apparently.

  6. Topped off at $2.159 last night, at UDF. Speedway and their $2.699, can kiss my backside.

  7. No spike as of yet in mid-Michigan. I filled everything up yesterday morning and prices have since dropped 2 cents to 2.279. I used a 30 cent Kroger discount, so got it for $1.99.

  8. BTC – think the Michigan hike will be today. Kazoo area just did their price drop before their big hike. I use Costco anyway. Not the big swings…

  9. I’m guessing it will be today as well, but I’ve been saying that all week. I put my gas cans in my Jeep on Monday morning and filled up Tuesday on the way to work. I could have held out and saved myself another 70 cents. 🙂

  10. Chicago RBOB spot reported as up 15.6c today. Looking for a possible rare Saturday hike and a certainty by Monday. Reaction to Keystone pipeline spill/shutdown??

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