Silly September?

Comment on previous predictions: Mostly WRONG. Although I’ve been stuck on predicting hikes to $3.09, when prices rose after Labor Day, they only went to $2.99. And there was no hike the past two days, although I predicted one.

Saturday, September 22, 2018 5PM: So, when predictions go WRONG, you ask yourself about lessons learned. Looking back on September 2017, the lesson may be that either my wholesale gas calculation is inflated each September, or Big Red and others are more willing to tolerate losing money at the pump when summer ends. The numbers look the same as they did on Wednesday, so I just want to predict the same price hike I did a few days ago (and I did fill up myself first thing Thursday morning). But, we may need to get more $2.69’s around GR first. Advice: Keep an eye on the price signs on Monday and be ready to pounce if you see a hike at one station. -EA

Updated: September 22, 2018 — 4:30 pm


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  1. Gas is going up to $3.09/gal today in Michigan

  2. GB Alert to $3.05 in SE MI headed by Big Red, Meijer and Kroger.

  3. are we close to the annual ‘fire sale’ ahead of winter blend?
    at 2.679 I just paid in NE ohio rt 20 corridor its 12c ‘under the line’

  4. If I remember correctly, Spot’s all time high for the year is $2.19. I thought for sure the switch to winter blend would send it southward, so either the winter blend switch hasn’t fully kicked in yet or we’re in for a long expensive winter at the gas pumps.

  5. Gleaned this from an article in a local paper yesterday:

    “AAA reports in a news release that the high and increasing gas prices in the Great Lakes is due to “planned and unplanned” maintenance at six refineries in the region. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports current inventories in the Great Lakes and Central regions is 52.3 billion, which is the lowest since Memorial Day Weekend.”

  6. “AAA reports in a news release that the high and increasing gas prices in the Great Lakes is due to “planned and unplanned” maintenance at six refineries in the region. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports current inventories in the Great Lakes and Central regions is 52.3 billion, which is the lowest since Memorial Day Weekend.”

    In other words, “same sh*t, different year”.

  7. Happens every year lol. I’m still scoring $2.69 as only about half the stations spiked during the last jump

  8. Indy area spiking to $2.999

  9. As of this morning, still easy to get gas under 2.60 in Indy. Other stations at 2.79 or 2.99. Very strange, but the spike only half-took.

  10. Very odd spike indeed! I have seen two intersections today where stations that spiked are across the street or within a block from stations that didn’t spike and yet those spiked stations still have people buying gas there when there are open pumps at the lower station! Why?!?

  11. Lowest in South Bend is $2.81, avg $2.91. Many backing off the 2.99 spike on Tue.

  12. Hudsonville, MI went down to $2.77 quick and the last hike. New Meijer station trying to be overly competitive again?

  13. Indy area spiking again to both 2.999 and 3.099

  14. Up on schedule to $3.09 & 3.19 in Chicagoland

  15. Speedway going to 3.09 in Michigan.

  16. Michigan going back up to $3.09 a gallon today

  17. South Bend to $3.09 yesterday. Filled up at Costco for $2.76. Diesel was up by ND about .10.

  18. My wife had mentioned the other day that the price sign for a Circle K she passes had been flashing one price and then a lower one. Then the higher price came on and the lower one again. She thought they couldn’t make up their minds.
    This morning we went by and I noticed it. It was advertising an Easy Pay price of $2.69 and Credit price of $2.75.
    I wonder if I paid in cash if I would get the lower price?
    Has anyone else seen this?

  19. Jeff L., I’ve seen these at Shell/CircleK stations. It looks like you can only get that if you enroll using your bank/debit card. I believe the discount shows up in the form of a credit on your statement (not immediate). This is information I got just from looking at their website:

  20. Around here (northeast IL) I get a nickel discount at Shell (Circle K or not, but Circle K Shells usually are already near the bottom of the price poll simply by using a Fuel Reward Network card issued by Shell and any payment method. It’s a dime a gallon savings on Tuesday through the Big Ten football (and I think basketball) seasons.

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