Lack of Drama Continues with Gas Prices

Comment on the September 22 posting: It wasn’t quite a prediction, but we did get a hike the following Monday, to $3.09 again. Prices have been stable since.

Sunday, October 7, 2018, 7:00PM: Oil prices spiked last week, trading above $75 a barrel on Wednesday. But this is the time of year when gas prices tend to decline, so the result was just a shrug in wholesale prices. We continue to sit in territory where a hike brings the price in Michigan back to $2.99 or $3.09. Since there are no price wars going on right now in the GR area, the best prediction is that prices will continue to fall slowly this week. Unless wholesale prices get volatile, I would not be in a hurry to fill up.  -EA

Updated: October 7, 2018 — 7:01 pm


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  1. Gonna be a while for a hike with spot down an estimated (by me) 19-20 cents the last 3 days.

  2. the rapidly falling spot is not really been reflected in prices in some areas NW Ohio RT 20 corridor

    this morning varying from 2.599 to 2.899

    know where I am filling up at

  3. New Haven Indiana has been stuck on $2.99 for several days now

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