Celebrate Labor Day with a Full Tank of Gas

Comment on the August 18 prediction: Absolutely CORRECT, as prices rose to $2.99 on 8/22 in Michigan.

Monday, September 3, 2018, 8AM: Our current pattern continues — wholesale prices remain relatively stable, we get a price hike followed by a week or two of slipping prices, and then a hike again. Since the last price reset on August 22, retail prices have been working their way into the $2.70’s, while wholesale prices have had a small rise. We are ready to see $3.09 again, maybe as soon as Tuesday. So, use Labor Day to fill up!  -EA

Updated: September 3, 2018 — 8:05 am


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  1. If we don’t get a hike in Chicagoland Tuesday I’ll be shocked. We were due BEFORE the weekend.

  2. Once again, another driving holiday without a spike in the days leading up to it.

    I know some still don’t believe the facts after so many examples, but “holiday spikes” are still a myth. I know, it’s hard to adjust thinking as things change, but I’d rather be right than lazy!

  3. Indy spiking to $2.999

  4. $2.79 in Bowling Green, Ky. That’s a 40 cent jump.

  5. Ditto for SE MI, KC.

  6. South Bend IN – Speedways by ND went from 2.61 to 2.99 today.
    SBN avg was 2.69
    Costco 2.56

    Niles MI Speedway also 2.99. Niles WMT 2.59.

  7. I’ll bet Toledo crashes through the $3 barrier today—the morning news just reported prices $0.20 below the national average!

  8. Gasbuddy is showing a spike in Indy to $2.89. I’m surprised we didn’t get hit with a spike last week with the race in town.

  9. South Bend IN – Speedways by ND went from 2.69 to 2.99 today.
    SBN avg was 2.79
    Costco 2.65, Down today: Granger BP 2.63, Family Express 2.63

    Niles MI Speedway also 2.99 was 2.73. Niles WMT 2.73.

  10. Glad I filled up for $2.60 yesterday…

    I’ve been seeing reports that our normal 30-50 cent gas price drop going into the end of the year will be wiped out when the full Iranian sanctions kick in the first week of November. Some say WTI crude could crack $90. I’m hoping they’re wrong!

  11. Still 30c more expensive than Wilmington NC where most of the gas stations have no power and no gas and are about to get 25 inches of rain…

    Prices in places like Raleigh NC are 45c cheaper… And we’re within a few cents of NC gas tax – maybe a bit higher with the latest tax.

  12. Well hey, at least prices are dropping after the driving season is over. Just like all the experts said. Oh…..I guess that’s outside of the upper midwest….

  13. Looks like the push to $2.99 has hit Southeast Michigan with Speedway, Kroger and Meijer leading the way.

  14. That was a quick spike. Speedway went up to $2.99 while the other stations didn’t budge. 24 hours later, Speedway dropped it back down to $2.72. I like it when that happens

  15. There seems to be a lot of concern regarding oil supply with the Iran cut off coming, Chris. That, and a drop off in U.S. inventory, was named in the the recent increases. But an uptick in OPEC production was noticed today, leading to today’s drop in price. At least that’s I’m reading.

  16. Gas is spiking in Indy to $3.09! Pre-spike avg is $2.69.

  17. SW Ohio to $2.959. Paid $2.619 this morning.

  18. South Bend IN – Speedways by ND went from 2.59 to 3.04 today. Some going to 3.09 in the area.
    SBN avg was 2.76
    Costco 2.56

    Niles MI Speedway also 3.04.

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