The Harvey Hike

Comment on the August 19 prediction: The price reset to $2.55 came on Monday, not Thursday, so 3/4 CORRECT, 1/4 WRONG.

Monday, August 28, 2017, 7:00PM: On Friday, the question was would Hurricane Harvey cause significant refinery closures in Texas, leading to potential shortages of gasoline in the Mississippi valley and the Midwest. We’ve learned from the past to not jump to conclusions about potential price hikes based on potential weather. Well, the flooding from the hurricane is real, and in the Chicago markets, they started jacking up wholesale prices today, so I’d fill up tonight or first thing tomorrow, before they hike prices. Best guess of the new price is $2.69-$2.75. –Ed A.

Updated: August 28, 2017 — 7:05 pm


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  1. Cue the nonstop complaining about the “greed” of basic supply and demand.

  2. Well…a 9¢ wholesale increase ALWAYS translates to a retail increase of 5X the wholesale increase. Except in any other industry.

  3. scored a 2.239 on way to work NE ohio. Dont think will see that on the way home !..prob a 2.599 by midday

  4. Gas is going up to $2.65/gal in Michigan today

  5. $2.459 hike in Indianapolis

  6. $2.559 hike in Indianapolis, sorry my previous post was wrong.

  7. Not as bad as I thought it might be 2.65 in Kzoo area..

  8. Passed by a Big Red on the outskirts of Fort Wayne 2 hours ago who went from $2.29 to $2.75. Nothing like a 20% jump in one shot

  9. Robi gas is running rampid this morning above 1.90 and rising fast,…another jump in price would not be out of the question tomorrow,….

  10. As of 12 noon today no price spike in Ohio.

  11. Spot is up another 6.5 cents so far today climbing to $1.81. At this rate we’ll see $2 spot by the weekend and I wouldn’t be surprised to see gas nearing $3 bucks a gallon

  12. $2.55 spike in Ohio. We go up 25 cents, and Dallas, which is a lot closer, and thus much more likely to actually have a supply issue, is only up 12 since Saturday(Houston is up a nickel).

  13. took a while in Ohio but 2.559 is the new oil price continues to slide shows the corrolation between oil and gasoline prices continues to diminish. Hopefully when the things down south get back to normality and its sad and shocking how people are having to deal with this horrible situation with flooding for sure, the steady end of year decline will start to set in…

  14. South Bend spiked to $2.55 yesterday, up ~ 0.26.
    Costco still holding at $2.25

  15. Filled four vehicles; A rented Chevy Equinox $2.199 at Greedway (because UDF a block away spiked to $2.599, and our three vehicles, all at Sam’s $2.189. I also filled a gas can at Sam’s for the mower. I figured they might wait until the noon hour to spike.

    Looked like for once Greedway wasn’t the spike leader. Most of the BP stations I saw were leading the way.

  16. RBOB up another 10 cents in early trading. Would have to think Speedway will hit with another spike sometime soon.

  17. 15 cents now.

  18. 21 cents now. Looks like we’ll be seeing close to $3.00 gas in the next week.

  19. So much for cheap Labor Day travel!

    $2.599 is the new reference price in Toledo.

    At least we in GREEDway country have homes to which to go!

  20. $2.799 probably coming to Ohio tomorrow or Saturday.

  21. pretty sure bet on 2.999 for Kzoo tomorrow.. think they will keep it under 3 for the weekend

  22. I had a very active driving schedule… Indy to Chicago to Bloomington to Kansas. Some thoughts…

    Illinois must be immune to refinery issues. Scored 2.25 twice, south of Chicago and Effingham.

    Missouri is uniformly 2.59. diesel appears unaffected. A lone 2.29 in Western Missouri.

    More variance in Kansas, from 2.39 to 2.49.

  23. Kansas City at a rather uniform 2.67. thankfully I’m filling up while waiting in line at the #1 BBQ place in the country, KC Joe’s… the restaurant is in a gas station building.

    If Speedway gave us this level food I could live with I could ignore the spikes ????

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