Keeping an Eye on the Big M

Sunday, January 29, 2023, 9 AM: Following up on last Sunday’s posting, there was more evidence this week, at least in west Michigan, that Big M is replacing Big Red as our price hike leader. On Wednesday morning (1/25), we saw Marathon raise their price per gallon from $3.45 to $3.59, in Standale, Lowell, and a few other places. In Lowell, the competitors followed that lead, and prices are still $3.59 there this morning. Elsewhere, I’m guessing the station managers looked at how much they were paying to fill their underground tanks (that I estimate to be $3.29) and said to themselves, “Have fun, Big M! We’re not taking the bait.” By Friday, Marathon was back to $3.41 in Standale. On Alpine Avenue, the new Kum & Go (yup, that’s what it is called) is keeping prices low to attract attention, and if you want gas for $3.15 a gallon, that is the place to go. As of yesterday, the Marathon on that avenue was still at $3.59, which at this point is just silly.

Wholesale prices suggest a $3.29 to $3.49 range, so grab those $3.15’s while you can. -EA

Updated: January 29, 2023 — 8:48 am


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  1. Chicago wholesale down 20c since last Friday.

  2. You keep referring to Big M, but these stations are not owned by Marathon, they are owned by GPM who also operates Admiral as well as a number of other brands. They have been leading the way on prices since Marathon sold Speedway to SEI.

  3. Yesterday Family Express attempting a ‘small’ $3.39 reset in Nw Indiana.

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