Indiana State Gas Taxes

Thanks to Justin, a sharp-eyed reader of The Gas Game, I now understand that Indiana does things a bit differently from my home state of Michigan. The first difference is that while the state maintains a sales tax of 7%, it translates that into a per gallon rate and adjusts that amount monthly. It went up 5.1 cents from June and is now set at 29.1 cents per gallon for the month of July 2022. The second difference is that it has an inflation escalator built into the tax rate it uses to generate funds for road projects. That change went into effect in 2017. As of July 1 there was an increase for that tax as well and it went to 33 cents per gallon. Beginning with the next update to the Spike Line you will see a posted change to the infrastructure tax. For now I’m leaving the sales tax rate at a flat 7% calculation while I investigate some way to automate the update of the sales tax per gallon rate. It should be close to 29.1 cents unless there is a dramatic change in prices. -CP

Updated: July 5, 2022 — 7:38 pm


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  1. I’m glad I can help! Thanks for the shout out. 🙂

  2. Illinois does the same thing I believe. But the adjustment is just twice a year. The state has a posted per gallon rate of 23c a gallon for the 2nd half of 2022 representing a nominal 6.25% sales tax

  3. The sales tax is 7% of the wholesale price plus markup. No Indiana sales tax on state and federal excise tax included in the price. Indiana has a pre sales tax added into fuel on delivery but the actual cents per gallon varies with the tax exempt price and is balanced out monthly with the stations sales tax payments. Crazy red tape.

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