Things were a bit too jumpy last week

Comment on the January 5 prediction: CORRECT as stated, as prices rose to $2.69 on Tuesday.

Sunday, January 12, 2020, 6PM: The story of the week was gold, which spiked above $1600 Tuesday night on news of new violence in Iran/Iraq, but settled down quickly on Wednesday. Oil followed suit, and margins for gasoline retailers are about where they were with Tuesday’s hike. So, I am not worried about a price hike this week, but wow, already down to $2.43 on Michigan Avenue downtown! -EA

Updated: January 12, 2020 — 5:44 pm


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  1. the spike last week in NW Ohio area quickly went away. The 2.589 that became 2.759 quickly reversed over the weekend. Most areas around 2.60 again and a few drifting a few cents lower. All being equal should be a steady week…

  2. Things have been a bit too jumpy for the last six months or so, at least in Ohio. Speedway failed again. $2.859 didn’t hold. Big Red is insistent on taking Ohio 15-25 cents higher than Indiana, with each spike, even though our taxes are only 9.5 cents higher. Got gas for $2.169 last night.

  3. Yesterday increase in Northwest Indiana. Lake and Porter counties to 2.59, Laporte county to 2.49. As usual Family Express leads the increase.

  4. Another evening hike in Chicagoland to the expected $2.75/2.85 target.

  5. Overshot again in Ohio. $2.699. Topped off at $1.999 this morning,

  6. Going to $2.499 in Indy area.

  7. So, again, Ohio going 20 cents higher than Indiana, even though our taxes are 9.5 cents higher. And Big Red wonders why their spikes fail here…..

  8. South Bend IN – Speedway by ND went from $2.32 to $2.49 yesterday, others followed.
    Filled up at Costco for $2.15. SBN avg was $2.388.

    Niles MI a few miles to the north the 1 Speedway & a Phillips went to $2.49. Not much change with the others. Niles WMT $2.29.

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