Saturday, September 14, 2019, Noon: Busy times at GVSU with our new president, so I have been slow to post to this site. Also, wholesale prices have been tame the past month, with the only surprise to me being the hike after Labor Day. I have a note that pops up for me every year at the beginning of September warning me to be careful about predicting hikes, because Big Red and their friends tend to have a gasoline clearance sale in September, anticipating the end of the summer gasoline blending season.
So, other than the hike on September 3, retail prices have been tame, while wholesale prices have worked their way lower. Consequently, we have prices as low as $2.22 today in Cedar Springs, and rumors of $1.99 farther away. I see $2.39 in Ada today. Given all that, and looking at wholesale numbers, we are setting up for a price reset this coming week, maybe back to $2.69. -EA
Wonder how quickly the drone attacks in Saudi Arabia will impact oil prices?
Should be good for a 30-50 cent jump Monday/Tuesday from BIg Red
October NYMEX RBOB is up 16.68c at 750 PM EDT.
Analysts fear crude will make it to $80… They seem to forget we made it to $147 for no apparent reason.
It will be a cynic’s field day to watch the “market forces” advocates vs the administration rushing to release reserves to keep prices “low”. Of course, one also has to wonder what the Saudis were thinking when they did not bother to adequately secure critical assets while spending billions to keep the largese running.
This morning, the Get Go stations (formerly Rickers) are all 10¢ more expensive than their closest competitors. Hmmm. Monday’s are the day that the Rickers Rewards are 10¢ a gallon. So potential customers see an EXPENSIVE station, and customers with the loyalty card see no reason to continue stopping there.
RBOB up 15 cents, means Speedway will jump 30.
The “real” Get-Go stations are also up 10 cents a gallon this morning too.
I’m curious how they will like their foray into Speedlandia.
Spiking to $2.759 in NW Ohio, though some of the GREEDWays are still showing a blue number, not the red “it was this at midnight before we jacked them up” numbers for Speedy Rewards members.
On another note, BP’s credit card is going to a cash-back model after this month, so I was able to fill my tank for $0.109/gallon for mid-grade 91-octane this weekend! That’ll be missed.
$2.69 Gaston, Indiana
Going up as much as .42 here. A bunch of stations dropped to $2.27 this morning and are up to $2.69 this afternoon. I don’t usually buy into the double spike theory but this week I believe I will. $2.89, maybe even the “well, it isn’t REALLY $3 a gallon” $2.99.9???
South Bend IN – Speedway spike to $2.69. It was $2.43 & $2.48 by ND earlier. Filled up at Costco for $2.34 today.
Niles MI – A Phillips station just to the north of SB has spiked to $2.69 also. Niles WMT $2.38. Niles Speedway $2.42 for now.
well Speedway dosnt miss a trick – NW ohio to 2.859 at the local Speedway..with gasoline and oil purchased and refined long before the weekend action in the Middle East
crammed as much in the tank as could at 2.599 across the street
as for a double- dont put it past them..bad news = rewards/profits..and not of the Speedy point type
$3.05/3.15 in Chicagoland
East Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti (Washtenaw County) going to $2.89 with Speedway, Kroger and Meijer leading the way. I filled up at $2.34 this morning.
SW Ohio to $2.859 this evening. I pulled into UDF when it was $2.529.
Saudi oil is fully back online sending oil prices down over 5%. I don’t see gas prices dropping yet lol
..well..a small retreat in NW ohio area from 2.859 to 2.799 12% rise in oil = 15% rise in gas….5% fall in oil= 2% fall in gas price. May as well milk the crisis for a few more days.. Right ???
Chicago wholesale today is lower than it was just before the big futures market run up on the weekend. Dropped more Tuesday evening than it rose Monday evening So this was a great money grab by Speedway with a spike price that was 16c too high.
This is just awful. Try living in Speedlandia.
Read an article that quoted AAA Michigan as saying that a $1/bbl increase equates to a 2.3 cent increase at the pump! Its conclusion was that retail prices in MI only rose 12 cents. What???
This is not working. Indy Costco at $2.47, Indy general in the 2.50s in a lot of places. Unfortunately I had to move to Ohio ???? right when they jacked up their tax…
Paying low $2.40s currently in Ohio, Turbo. You’re just in the wrong part.