More Of The Same Expected This Week

Sunday, March 17, 2019, 5PM: Speedway’s aggressive play this year has continued into March, so I am suspecting a price hike is in the mix soon. Since the last price hike last Monday, wholesale prices have rose another four cents, while retail prices have slipped a dime. That would set us up to see a hike to $2.75 this week. Consider that a prediction. -EA

Updated: March 17, 2019 — 5:20 pm


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  1. Speedway starting to hike to $2.85 here on Monday morning!

  2. Speedway spiking to $2.659 in Indy area.

  3. Not sure where they came up with the # but Chicagoland going to $2.89 and $2.99. This is a sold dime higher than it should be. Super greedy hike.

  4. 2.85 in Kazoo area

  5. Just a spike or two away from $3 bucks and crude hasn’t cracked $60 dollars a barrel yet. I guess the Big Red execs must be buying a new G650 business jet and they need “aggressive gas pricing” to make it happen??

  6. The US is supposed to be surpassing the Saudi’s in production. And it doesn’t result in lower prices? But scary fast price increases? Man, just our luck.

  7. Think Big Red say the pharmaceutical companies raise prices at will, so figured why not we can too and no one will do anything about it

  8. Last night at 9:30 I hit the GREEDway in Sharonville ($2.119) since UDF initiated the $2.699 SW Ohio spike price around this locality. I pulled into the only empty pump. By the time I left most of the pumps including mine had cars waiting to fill up.

  9. South Bend IN – Speedway spiked to $2.65 the other day. Now $2.63 by ND.
    Costco did small jumps a few times last few days and is now $2.45. Up about .10 I think today. The lowest in area by .04.

  10. Spot up 13.5c past 2 days (16c for our boutique blend). Just sayin’ …

  11. Speedway spiking to $2.799 in Indy area.

  12. Speedway is moving to 2.959 in Michigan

  13. $2.759 in Ohio. $2.799 in sw Ohio.

  14. South Bend IN is going to $2.79 also. Led by Speedway & Family Express. Avg was 2.55. Costco is $2.47

  15. 2.95 Kazoo area. Thank you Greedway, so kind of you to pad your pockets on all the Spring Break travelers.

  16. Just think Mike…that $2.95 Kazoo price could be $3.40 with Whitmer’s gas tax proposal

  17. Yeah Chris, but the roads will be so nice.. 🙂 Where have we heard that before?

  18. The Gas Game: One Speedway near me retreated 36 cents today from yesterday’s 35 cent hike to undercut the competition.

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