Creeping Higher

Comment on the February 19 prediction: Prices rose as predicted. CORRECT!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 3:00PM: Oil and gas wholesale prices have been creeping higher for the past few weeks, and we are heading back into price-hike territory. I am filling up tomorrow morning, planning to find gas below $2.40, before we see a hike this week, back to $2.65 or higher. ‘Nuff said!  -EA

Updated: March 6, 2018 — 3:16 pm


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  1. South Bend IN – Speedway by ND up .22 this afternoon to $2.69 along with the rest of them in the area.

  2. Speedway $2.69 Muncie Indiana. General price spike in progress.

  3. 2.299-2.359 general range NW ohio RT 20 corridor(up to 5c below spike) think we will be next to 2.599 Wednesday. Both cars full today…

  4. Speedway in Michigan is moving to 2.699.

  5. scala100, as predicted, Ohio is jumping to $2.599. The squirrels have been frisky of late.

  6. 2.69 in Kazoo area. Was still 5 cents above spike line @ 2.51 this morning before going up..

  7. Got gas today on Alpine in Grand Rapids for $2.349 before they hiked it…Got a $1 off a gallon, because of Mperks, a reward for my medicine I get at Meijers…..If you take medicine, you should look into Mperks….

  8. Topped off for $2.099 this morning…. Not paying $2.599. Nope. Nope. Nope.

  9. Oddly enough, still waiting on the spike in the Fort Wayne area. Several stations actually down a penny or 2 today. Looks like prices spiked a couple days ago elsewhere. I guess I won’t complain. I’m sure they’ll more than make up for it later…

  10. Thought I saw the nearby GREEDway jump to $2.599 last Wednesday, but the next day, it was $2.299 and holding.

  11. South Bend IN – Speedway by ND up again by .22 to $2.65.

  12. Indy to 2.65 again.

  13. Is Chicago spot really about .30 less than NYMEX right now?

  14. looks like the figures have been revised. But NW Ohio rt 20 corridor in pretty good shape this weekend. 2.26 spike, most places around 2.39-2.45. A few 2.299 cropping up so playing the ‘shop around’ game. still further to fall. But coming into that volatile season in April and May where price spikes can happen

  15. Saturday gas spike in Michigan to $2.69/gal

  16. Great. Judging by the indygasprices site, spike to 2.65.

  17. Saturday hike in Chicagoland to $2.79/2.89 although my estimate of weekend wholesale suggested it wasn’t urgent enough to not wait until Monday. Speedway wearing extra green for St Pat’s day.

  18. Summer blend kicked into the spot prices on the 15th so no 30 cent discount to NYMEX again until fall.

  19. There is a spike to $2.559 in the Cincinnati area. To be honest I haven’t seen one station at that price so far.

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