Anticipating Shenanigans on Friday or Saturday

Comment on the September 13 prediction: Pretty much CORRECT, with prices in the $2.20’s this week.

Thursday, September 21, 2017, 9:30PM: The headline late this afternoon screams, “Chicago Spot Gasoline Soars on Aggressive Refiner Buying”. Soar might be too strong a word, but wholesale prices are up tonight, enough that we are in danger of a price reset on Friday or Saturday. Low prices in places like Jenison will tempt Big Red. I advise filling up Friday morning, predicting a reset in the neighborhood of $2.59. -EA

Updated: September 21, 2017 — 9:19 pm


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  1. I’m figuring we will likely get a spike in Cincinnati today or tomorrow at $2.39(?). Parts of the East and North East parts of the tri-state area is under $2.00 while the West-siders are stuck at $2.20-$2.30 and higher.

    We’ll see.

  2. I’m figuring Monday for northeast Indiana. Noted a Speedway just east of Columbus Ohio at $2.06, at least .20 lower than any other stations along I-70. Of course, the exit ramps were all closed, so… ????

  3. No spike in Indy on Friday or Saturday. Some stations are as low as $2.059 right down the street from me.

    (Things get awfully quiet around here after two straight weeks of plummeting prices!)

  4. 3 stations at $1.99 in Edinburgh Indiana. Good time to fill to the rim. Probably won’t last long.

  5. Expecting a Monday hike in Chicagoland after some stations are now down as much a 67 cents from the last hike the day after Labor Day and Speedway’s average is down 47 cents. That’s outpaced the drop in both spot and wholesale.

  6. 30 cent differences between grades of gasoline has begun in Cincinnati.

  7. Bearcat: Yes, and guess who did it first? (Speedway).

    As of this morning, Kroger,Shell, and UDF are still 25 cents(at least the ones that I pass).

  8. South Bend IN spike $2.49
    avg 2.296, Costco 2.13

    .30 between grades here for quite some time with Speedway leading that

  9. Short article that includes a chart to demonstrate that the EIA is overstating domestic crude data.

  10. 2.459 in Ohio but crammed everything up at 2.099 on way home pre spike
    not looking too good for another spike this week either given the ‘new’ rate today is still only 10c over spot

  11. Filled up for $2.08 on the way to town for errands and saw the $2.49 price driving home. Nothing like a 19.7% increase at the snap of a finger. Market forces at work, right??

    Another shot in the arm for spot tomorrow and it could be one of those wonderful double spike weeks

  12. And WOWO in Fort Wayne Monday was just talking about how low gas was and how it was expected to stay low. The best known signal for a BIG JUMP.

  13. 2.59 in Grand Rapids today courtesy of Speedway

  14. Honest question: Does anyone know why Chicago spot is trading at a premium to NYH RBOB?
    Even though it’s only a nickel, aren’t we usually LOWER this time of year?

  15. Looks like its setting up for a Friday gas spike in Michigan?

  16. same for Ohio..2.199 at end of street 15 cents below spike..2.49-2.55 coming looks like

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