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  1. Spot down nicely again today to $1.59. COULD we see a week with NO spikes? The big word there is COULD.

  2. “when refineries have unplanned *outages* they lose opportunity to make money. They spend money and effort fixing something”

    You mean, they do not have budgets, resources, planning, and such allocated for planned and unplanned maintenance? Why is it that my company was able to switch suppliers in an instant when one of our key suppliers was, like, 20 miles from Fukushima, Japan when it had a, ehem, reset?

    It’s not like the entire refinery goes down either. Usually one unit, there’s several, production drops by a bit, they fix it, etc. It’s not like the place is shut down for a week completely…

    But at the end of the day, it boils down to credibility. Just like we heard the ‘Pause Button’ speech from the popular gasoline price survey service a day or two before prices spiked 30+ cents over national average.

  3. Are you guys watching the fuel outages in Canada??

  4. See what happens with Speedways in Lima tomorrow Chris. They seem to run a day or 2 ahead of the rest of us. I always check Lima Wednesday afternoon to see what looking at for Friday here.

  5. Yea,in Canada they have real shortages and real crude issues and spike 40c a gallon.

    In Speedway Land the mere thought of a shortage will be 40-50c spike regardless of actual impact.

    It’s the difference between reality based pricing and fantasy based pricing.

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