Spooky Price Drops Feels A Bit Like Fall 2008

Comment on the October prediction:  Completely WRONG in Michigan, but there was a hike to $3.29 in Indiana.

Monday, October 13, 2014, 1:30PM:  With gas selling for $2.60 a gallon in Lowell today, what is going on here?  Mathematics seems to be breaking down, as I am calculating that retailers are buying gas right now for about $3.00 a gallon, and selling it at a loss.  I can’t explain it, but at this time six years ago, prices went from $4.19 on September 13 to $1.59 on November 26 without a hike, and that’s when the Great Recession started.  I’m not saying the economy has started falling apart, but something spooky is going on.  Enjoy buying gas “on sale” while you can! — Ed A.

Updated: October 13, 2014 — 1:40 pm


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  1. Topped off at 2.889 this morning, figuring we’d get a spike in the next few days. With MI and IN spiking today, I feel even better about my decision.

  2. Chicago spot plunged 9.28 cents today.

  3. So, which spot’s drop, that puts the MI/IN spike essentially a full DOLLAR above spot. Sounds about right. /sarc

  4. Someone has to pay for all those Taj Mahal store renovations and competitor buyouts…

  5. Chicago Spot only dropped 3.3 cents. Spike is pretty close to break even, too.

    Anyone else notice that Indiana and Michigan spiked today? I saw all <$3 in my travels before lunch through a lot of eastern Indianapolis. That is except for the Shell on East Washington outside 465. The Speedway on Washington near post was the lowest I'd seen, at $2.79. A Shell station leading the way on a price spike?

  6. With the Chicago spot dropping significantly yesterday and the margins around $76 I’m cautiously optomistic Ohio will not spike today. Average price in Cincinnati is at $3.00.

  7. Ionia dropped to 2.95 yesterday and then quickly rose back to 3.19. I guess a good way to make more “legal profit” is to spike after a drop in spot now.

  8. independent retailer

    Cost for me was 2.97 today.

  9. I was somewhat wrong when I said spot only dropped 3 cents. The site I get my info from had the spot at $2.2806, which was only down 3+ cents from the previous day. Well, that was a typo, it should have been 2.2206. I have corrected that in my spreadsheet. It’s down another 4+ cents today, making an almost 15 cent drop in two days.

  10. prices in fortworth, Tx are at $2.60p/gal. how long will it drop?

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