Awfully Quiet Out There

Comment on the August 27 prediction: Prices rose the next day to $3.75.? The prediction was CORRECT.

Monday, September 16, 2013, 7:15PM: I received an e-mail over the weekend asking why I haven’t posted lately. I’ve been busy with the beginning of the academic year at GVSU, but the real answer is that there has been no drama in gas prices — wholesale or retail. Wholesale prices have dropped 30 cents a gallon since the end of August, resuming a trend we have seen since the beginning of June. In fact, wholesale prices have dropped 75 cents since early June. Rather strange behavior for summer — perhaps all those “refinery problems” have finally been settled for a while. Based on today’s numbers, I estimate a price to retailers of about $3.40 a gallon. Retail prices are in the upper $3.40s, so we are getting close to price-hike time again, but it is hard to tell when. Just keep an eye on those price signs, because if a hike is in progress, you can probably find a station lagging behind in order to win The Gas Game. –Ed Aboufadel

Updated: September 25, 2013 — 10:46 pm


  1. Here in Flint, 3.28 has been the low end- but no lower- for 4 days now. one might be forgiven for thinking that perhaps the word has been passed down to ” Just ‘hold the line’…. its an easy jump back to 3.60-3.65 from here” gut says if it doesn’t happen in a couple hours, then almost certainly thurs.

  2. 3.45 is the lowest I’ve personally seen in Lansing.

  3. Looks like gas in Lowell and Cedar Springs is the lowest in the GR Metro area…Lowest at $3.28.
    Perhaps with gasoline consumption down over 6% for this year the refiners may have fuel to get rid of before ‘winter blend’ shows up in production?

  4. Update! $3.26 in Lowell at Meijers on M21. How cool is that?!

  5. Price Spoke underway now in Indiana. In particular Marion, IN. Was $3.41.9 now $3.59.9 at a Speedway on North aide of town. At least 4 other retail outlets hav done likewise.

  6. Going on right now, slowly, in Fort Wayne. Led once again by Lassus Handy-Dandy, and the baton taken up by Speedway. $3.59. I expect all stations to be on the wagon by noon Thursday.

  7. I was pleasantly surprised to find gas at Costco in Orland Park, Illinois tonight for $3.39. It hasn’t been that low for a long time around here. i hope it remains there for a while, but probably won’t. Most other stations are around $3.61.

  8. 5th day of Flints low end STILL at 3.28 and NO lower. amusingly, there was a speedway that for 2 hours dropped from 3.34 down to 3.23, but I think the manager just misread the price directive, (3s & 8s are awfully similar if you get distracted..)because they were back at the party line of 3.28 by lunch. Interesting how everyone has stuck at this price. Kroger points is the the only way I expect to beat it. though there might be one little dip before tomorrows (IMHO) anticipated spike

  9. I wish the Lansing stations would drop to 3.28. I’ve got 20 cents worth of Kroger points I need to use. Everything in my area was still 3.45 this morning.

  10. We are seeing $3.559 pop up here in Ohio this morning.

  11. Gas is going up to $3.65/gal today in Grand Rapids

  12. I guess I’m glad I filled up everything this morning at 3.25 with my Kroger discount.

  13. We had stations below $3.10 here in Indy, before the spike up to $3.599 starting Wednesday.

    I’m not sure why “refinery problems” is in quotes when there have been actual refinery problems throughout the country. The outages were verifiable.

  14. 3.59 is taking hold here in Flint. Gut says 5 or 7 cent drop thru the weekend, second spike on monday. No science, just gut. a couple structured drop/spike cycles to make sure We’ll be at a high 3something in time for ‘winter blend’ changeover, and a slow reduction to the end of the year and the usual Dec. dalliance with 3dollarish price point.

    (Im going to refer back to this post in Dec to see how my Gut matches Chicago spot/Speedway spike behavior.)

  15. $3.559 in sw Ohio. Paid $3.179 this morning.

  16. Gas is $3.229 here at a Kroger station in Lake Orion, MI. That’s the cheapest I’ve seen it in awhile.

  17. Thankfully got it last night at Cedar Springs Meijer – – $3.23 with Meijer credit card [5 cent discount].

  18. And 3.65 is the price of the day in West Michigan this afternoon – it is slowly spreading. These stations were 3.28-3.45 this morning.

  19. Up from ~$3.15 to $3.55 in Perrysburg, OH, south of Toledo, on 09/19. (A couple of stations in the Toledo area had actually dipped below $3/gallon before they gouged us!)

  20. Waiting until Monday for Speedway to react here in Chicagoland.

  21. Interesting: only 6 states in the US are seeing rising prices. FOUR are Greedway states:

  22. Prices have fallen to 3.39-3.42 in Lansing.

  23. Saw on the ticker scroll at the bottom of the screen while watching Good Morning America this morning, that gas prices are expected to keep dropping through Halloween . . . . not holding my breath! LOL!

  24. What’s going on in Indiana? I was there on Saturday and prices were from $3.39 to $3.69. That’s higher than the most taxed place in the USA, Cook County Illinois, where I was able to fill up for $3.28 Sunday. Did the taxes go up in Indiana recently? Used to be 20 to 30 cents cheaper than Illinois away from the border counties.

  25. Been seeing “AGO” stations popping up all over Grand Rapids [replacing BP]. I’m guessing BP has been bought out, but haven’t seen anything on the news. Is this a good thing, bad thing or just plain indifferent when it comes to gas prices?

  26. I now regret utilizing my 20 cent Kroger discount when prices were 3.45. My timing seemed awesome for about two days. It’s pretty uncommon for a spike to roll back that quickly.

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