Weren’t we $2.99 a gallon just 3 weeks ago?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 7:30AM:  A belated Happy New Year!  I was traveling in Boston last week, and was out of the loop for that stupid hike.  I’m posting today because I agree with Bill:  I am afraid that another price hike is coming today or tomorrow, as wholesale prices continue to work their way higher (again in line with stock market).  Fill up before the price is $3.65 a gallon. –Ed A.

Updated: January 11, 2012 — 7:33 am


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  1. 10:26 a.m. Wednesday

    I was a day early, but I did correctly predict the price of today’s increase in Michigan to $3.699: http://www.thegasgame.com/2011/12/30/this-week-notwinning-the-gas-game/#comment-3450

    The first locations to report were:

    10:11 Royal Oak, 1720 Rochester Rd.
    10:13 Royal Oak, 1620 E. 12 Mile Rd.
    10:17 Warren, 15175 E. 13 Mile Rd.
    10:22 North Muskegon, 2710 Holton Rd.
    10:29 Kalamazoo, Sprinkle Rd. by Wings Stadium
    10:30 Kalamazoo (Comstock Twp.), Sprinkle Rd. at ML Ave.

    As of this moment, none of these prices are reflected on Speedway’s website.

    In Ohio, the price moved to $3.599, with the first reports out of:

    9:44 Waynesburg
    10:08 Proctorville
    10:15 Dover
    10:33 Sheffield Village
    10:33 Fairborn

    $3.699 is also the new price in Indiana, with the first report not coming until 10:24 out of Frankfort.

    In general, Speedway began moving late today, as I normally know for sure that an increase is underway by 9:50. Today, I wasn’t sure until a half hour after that, though it was still within the normal 9:30 to 10:30 time range.

  2. There’s a fresh report (1:34 p.m.) of an Admiral in Saginaw lowering prices today to $2.999. I’m guessing this is legit, because there is a report (by the same person), of the Speedway nearest that station going down to $3.039. This is definitely a new report, because the Speedway price is not yet reflected on their website. Speedway’s site currently lists $3.339 for that station.

    After that, the lowest price reported in Michigan within the past hour is $3.289 in Marysville, Fort Gratiot, and Port Huron, though 2 of those are Meijer stores which will likely go up in a few minutes at 2:00. However, 2 Meijer stores in Michigan have jumped the gun and already gone up to $3.699:

    12:49 Adrian
    1:02 Royal Oak, 5150 Coolidge Hwy.

    As Royal Oak was the first location reported with Speedways up, I guess it is not surprising that city also turns up on the “first to go” Meijer list.

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