Cedar Springs will lead the way to $2.59

Sunday, November 1, 2009, 6:00 PM: Well, that was a strange price adjustment on Tuesday, as Meijer took the lead and raised prices to $2.79. The hike was embraced in certain parts of town, but not others. Meanwhile, wholesale prices dropped 10 cents last week, I predict that prices will fall all week. The $2.59 in Cedar Springs is a target for the rest of the region. — Ed Aboufadel

Updated: November 1, 2009 — 7:01 pm


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  1. Down to $2.56 for Regular and Midgrade at both Admiral stations on US-131 and M-89 (Plainwell & Otsego, MI) exits.

    Let’s see if anyone beats that today!

  2. I gassed up at Speedway in Cedar Springs this morning for $2.52 with 3 cents off using my Speedy card

  3. Gas is $2.51 in Lowell and has been lower than most places all last week. Speedway in Saranac however remained a consistant $2.73 all week and only lowered their price to $2.69 after Torco did.

  4. Just paid 2.47 at the Cedar Springs Meijer.

  5. Standale is really holding out on their prices. Speedway is still $2.66/gal., that higher than Ada’s speedway which always is higher than everyone. Sure can tell there less competition in the standale area. (No Citgo or Rich station anymore). Or is there another reason for Standale being higher?

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