After a few busy weeks with a lot of things going on in the background here at TheGasGame, I’ve decided I need to temporarily dedicate more time to those things. Obviously, this means I’ll be away or working to get some things accomplished over the next couple days/weeks.
While I’m away, you can continue to count on posts every so often as needed, but several items will not be updated, such as “Today in Oil” and “Refinery Status”. I’m not sure if I’ll be gone for a few days or a week or two.
The time taken away from TheGasGame will allow me time to concentrate on opporunities that have arisen to me in the last couple months. I’ll definitely do my best to let everyone know what’s going on- so stay tuned here.
For now, I’m sure Ed will keep posting when needed. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read our thoughts.