Soviet Snow (a nod to Shona Laing, for you Gen X’ers)

Comment on the February 6 prediction: Quite WRONG, as we did not hike to $3.49. However, there was a gentle reset to $3.35 on February 17.

Sunday, February 20, 2022, 9AM: This month, oil prices have become a measure of the Ukraine-Russia tensions, and we saw it close near $96 on Valentine’s Day, when tensions were the highest. A week later, there’s a lot of noise there, and I can’t predict what is next. That makes predicting gas prices a challenge, too. I’m still puzzling over seeing oil spike to $96, but gas prices staying put, as that was one of those tailor-made excuses for a hike.

There are some stations in west Michigan below $3.30 today, so if you need to fill up, that’s the place to go. -EA

p.s.:  Soviet Snow

Updated: February 20, 2022 — 9:22 am


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  1. Looks like Toledo reset to $3.399 yesterday. ?

  2. The tensions with rising gas prices are nicely offset by the Shona Laing reference. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! I decided to play a few tracks off her “South” album (1987) today for the first time in decades. Certainly an underrated artist around these parts, but definitely did better in her native New Zealand.

  3. Thursday’s 20c plunge in spot was reversed on Friday. I guess the winter bled is about gone.

  4. $3.49 in NW Indiana led by Family Express

  5. The fire sale on winter blend lasted one day last week and spot prices have soared since. $3.79-3.89 from Speedway today in Chicagoland.

  6. $3.599 hike in Indianapolis led by Speedway.

  7. 2nd hike in 2 days in Chicagoland. Now $3.99/4.09. Doesn’t match up with wholesale. I think Speedways is stretching their margins for good now.

  8. $3.49 in NW Indiana led by Family Express. Can’t remember the last time we had 2 hikes in one week.

  9. Justin…major refinery issue at BP in August 2015. Three hikes in 3 days, totalling 90c here and I think across the Midwest,

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