Comment on the January 17 prediction: CORRECT, as we jumped to $3.29 the next day.
Sunday, January 30, 2022, 4PM: Traveling in Florida last week, I was someplace where everyone had the same price ($3.19), and then mid-week, everyone jumped to $3.35. Are we primed to do the same? Maybe. Although oil prices haven’t moved since the last hike, one measure of wholesale gas prices (NYMEX) has, and I am not pleased with those February and March Chicago CBOB futures. So, they might take a stab at $3.39 this week, and let’s call that a prediction. I filled up today for $3.19, just to be safe. -EA
3.65 rolling out in Chicagoland
Family express leading 3.39 in Nw indiana.
$3.299 in Ohio