Thumbing My Nose at Inflation

Sunday, November 14, 2021, 4PM: With “inflation” a buzzword in the media, and gasoline prices the highest we have seen in years, it is a good time to review the historical record, particularly with prices adjusted for inflation. I found this interesting site, which has a record of every price paid by a driver for over four decades, with interesting charts, including those adjusted for inflation. It may not help people feel better, but as you can see on those charts, we had it a lot worse in 1980 and 2008.

Back to the present, often when the media gets a hold of an idea, something is about the change, and I think (hope?) this surge of gas prices this year is running out of steam. The price of oil has been stuck a bit north of $80 a barrel for a month, and that hike on the 5th of the month, to $3.49, has provided healthy margins to the retailers. To get a sense of the room we have for prices to fall, with a bit of competition, you can fill up for $3.08 in Sparta this afternoon.

No hike expected this week. -EA

Updated: November 14, 2021 — 3:36 pm


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  1. Interesting site, thanks for sharing

  2. In NW Indiana, Family Express leading us up to $3.49 today….why the need for a jump?????

  3. @Justin – Christmas bonuses will be paid out in a few weeks. They gotta fatten those margins to cover them.

  4. Hike to $3.59/3.69 and some higher in Chicagoland. The usual impeccable timing as RBOB futures are down big time today so lock in big margins.

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