Gas Prices on the Way to Florida

Comment on the August 5 prediction: It was CORRECT, as we haven’t seen a hike since August 2.

Sunday, August 22, 2021, 10AM: My son and I completed the “spring break” drive from Michigan to Florida this past week, as he starts graduate school in Orlando. Starting with stuck prices of $3.29 on Lake Michigan Drive in western Kent County, it was interesting to see prices falling as we went south, including $2.99’s in Charlotte, and $2.80’s and $2.70’s in Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia. It reminded me of my 1985 spring break trip from Michigan State, when in the middle of the night, somewhere in one of those states, you could buy a gallon of gas for 69 cents. Going forward, oil prices took a beating last week, and gas prices are starting to follow. Prices are down to $2.85 on Alpine Avenue — other places should head that way this week. -EA

Updated: August 29, 2021 — 1:18 pm


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  1. Welp, RBOB back up 9+ cents today. Wonder what CBOB is doing.

  2. First hike in a while with SPeedway heading back to $3.35 in Chicago land after a couple days of large leaps in spot prices.

  3. RBOB up over 20 cents the last 3 trading days.

  4. Another big up close for RBOB. Everyone else should be on guard for a hike.

  5. 3.29 NW indiana, led by family express

  6. South Bend IN – $3.09 spike led by Speedway yesterday. It was ~ $2.96. The 3 Family Express still $2.85-$2.93. Filled up at Costco for $2.72.

    Niles MI to $3.09 also.

  7. $2.999 in Ohio. Yay!!
    Topped off for $2.609.

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