Back to $2.999. Thank you, Federal Reserve!

Comment on the June 23 prediction: CORRECT, as prices rose to $2.89. Then they went to $2.95 last week.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 3:30PM: So, I was going to predict a price hike this afternoon, but I see we have one to $2.99. Anyway, here are the comments I wrote earlier this afternoon to post:

The stock market is at new highs this afternoon, and there is a general feeling that the economy is doing well. But, manufacturing appears to be stagnating globally, and there are other signs that we may be heading into a recession. So, the Fed is making noises that it will cut interest rates, and today commodities like gold and oil are rallying. Oil is rallying enough that we moving into possible price-hike territory for local gas prices, on Thursday or Friday. Back to $2.95? -EA

Updated: July 10, 2019 — 3:27 pm


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  1. Next weeks spike should be a doozy with the storm in the gulf brewing

  2. Indiana is in the midst of its second hike of the week, now going to $2.99 this morning.

  3. And so with a 14c rise in wholesale in 2 days, Speedway’s second hike in 3 days leaps to $3.35 in Chicagoland

  4. Two spikes in 2 days for Big Red. Went from $2.52 yesterday to $2.85. Another spike today to $2.99. Maybe $3.15 tomorrow and $3.29 on Saturday??? Time will tell

  5. Filled up for $2.499 last night. Love how UDF gives Big Red the proverbial middle finger on their spikes.

  6. NW ohio area prices all over the place….
    Scored a 2.539 fill up today..but it could have been 2.699 or 2.799..or even 2.899 as little as 25 miles away. A few places pushed to 2.959 few days ago just before oil took a $5 tank, but have since retreated
    At the 2.539 price no justification for a spike, let alone any of the areas 30c plus a gallon more….
    summer of fat margins for sure

  7. Ohio average $2.71, 92 cents over spot. No reason for a spike, which is why Greedway will do it.
    I did pay $2.369 though….

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