Holding Pattern Around the Spike Line Broken Today

Good bump in spot price today. The nearly 6 cent jump put Ohio and Indiana solidly below the Spike Line. Thinking a Good Friday spike is looking likely for Ohio and Indiana. Michigan is in better shape and may avoid a hike tomorrow. Tonight or tomorrow morning would be a good time to fill ‘er up or top it off.  Best wishes to you all for a Happy Easter!  Save travels to those of you on the road.  – TS

Updated: April 13, 2017 — 8:24 pm


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  1. MI’s Spike Line Friday was $2.46 and state average sat at $2.50 (locally the avg. is $2.53). A nickel difference doesn’t make me very confident that a reset isn’t coming soon, especially when my favorite area station is at $2.30. SE MI seems to always be a bit higher than the SW but once it hits on that side of the state it carries over to us.
    But we’ve managed to get to Saturday and nothing’s happening yet.

  2. One GREEDway around my area did a 10-cent reset to $2.389 according to the GREEDway app, so I would think that a $2.389-$2.439 reset will hit Northwest Ohio within the next day or two.

  3. thought we have been dodging bullets for a few days till todays spot numbers came in..NW ohio RT 20 corridor is between 2.199 and 2.399..few places just under the line, lots of places still 8-20 c over it. suggests if a reset is coming..which sure still it is it will be back to 2.499 as last week rather than 10c higher

  4. $2.499 spike under way in Ohio, led by you-know-who.

  5. Speedway goes to 2.599 in Michigan

  6. Spot drops about 7 cents this week and we get a spike 10 cents greater than the last one. Would love to see a justification better than the economics 101 “supply and demand” lecture that is on the Dayton GB site.

    Yeah, it’s “supply and demand” alright according to GREEDway. “We have the supply but we demand you pay more.”

  7. 2.49 for Indiana also .

  8. Spot is probably down today, comsidering oil and RBOB both tanked.
    Could someone verify?

  9. Yep…spot dropped 8 cents today

  10. 95 cents over spot in Ohio. Big Red is going to love those margins. Good thing I filled up this morning, $2.15.

  11. Big Red checking in at $2.59 in SE MI. We’ll see your .95 and raise you a dime, ChrisDG74.

  12. Just sent in a complaint email on the Greedway web page. I spelled out the details why this hike was unwaranted. Anyone try this before? I must admit I’m not expecting much….

  13. Jeff – you’ll just get a reply stating they don’t discuss pricing.
    Been there, done that.

  14. Noticed some stations in the Kazoo area haven’t gone up and actually Costco has dropped 3 cents from yesterday. Take that right up the old @%# Greedway.

  15. few places rt20 NE Ohio corridor dropped below 2.30..seen as low at 2.249. most still around 2.35..so still a nice 20c margin. Looking around for best prices but no urgency to fill up right now

  16. Would you pay more for a higher octane fuel if it resulted in better mileage/performance? 800+ HP vehicle owners might, but who else would?


  17. Sure. been paying the 50c surcharge on 93 octane for years now. One of the family cars can only run on 93 due to engine mods, while the factory recommends 93 for the other (both sports cars, but only 275 hp, although 800 would be ok).

    And just because I put up with the added cost for performance, does not mean I like to lose at the gas game…

  18. Can’t say I have ever noticed an improvement on gas mileage when I have used the higher octane gasses compared to the ‘junkiest’ gas (85 or 83 octane). I’m banging around in a 99 Accord so maybe it doesn’t matter enough since it isn’t overly fuel efficient to begin with. I would not want to pay more money for the same gas mileage, that’s for sure!

  19. Spike soon?

    Four employees injured in incident at BP’s Whiting, Indiana refinery…

    Work on an electrical substation led BP to reduce production on two of three crude distillation units at the refinery on Thursday.

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