#TBT Tank Banquet Thursday

Comment on the August 5 prediction:  One of my WRONGest predictions ever, as a jump in wholesale prices yielded a hike on the 7th.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014, 6:30PM:  After last week’s price hike, wholesale prices bumped more, while retail prices did their typical slow drip lower.  Looking at tonight’s numbers, we are right in the price hike zone, so I am going to take my car out for a meal on Thursday morning.  Expected new price in Michigan:  $3.69.  –Ed A.

Updated: August 13, 2014 — 6:22 pm


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  1. It is so frustrating when everybody is reporting “falling gas prices” due to lower oil prices as well as an abundance of gas. irksome AND frustraing. That’s all I got.

  2. No spike in Indy as of Thursday.

  3. Wow, crude is down $2 today as of this writing. If RBOB drops a lot, too, then we should be safe for a while.

  4. And then spot prices plunge more than a dime today.

  5. Be careful, I smell a greedy squirrel about to escape.

  6. I suspect a 1-2 punch of mild increases to 3.89 or so – never mind reality of crude or refined supply – perhaps a spike of crude due to geopolitical fears (lol) all in preparation for Labor Day but no increases right before Labor Day…

  7. You gotta love Wall Street. I hope this don’t end up biting us in the backside.


  8. Over at the Spike Line I was showing a comfortable cushion in the teens, so we are still safe.

  9. Chicago market actually went down almost 5 cents yesterday, while crude went up almost $2. The good news is we actually have a large buffer going into the weekend, almost 20 cents across the board.

  10. The Grand Rapids average is below the mi spike line and Greenville and Belding are in the 3 – teens. I hope prices continue to fall but I have an uneasy feeling.

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