Spike alert for tomorrow

I’ve been seeing slowly falling pump prices and slowly rising market prices all week. They are making it highly likely that a spike will happen tomorrow, with the Spike Line numbers being near -10 cents. I expect it will be back up near $3.80-3.89.

Updated: July 24, 2013 — 10:26 pm


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  1. Topped off this morning. Thanks!

  2. Hmmmmmmmm, interesting. No spike yet. Do you think they’re going to wait until next week then hit the $3.99 again? Or $4.09??

  3. What’s also interesting is that Ohio was never subjected to the previous spike. I know that sometimes one Greedway state will spike a day before or after the others, but it seems pretty rare for one of them to miss out on a spike entirely.

  4. Prices are still falling here in the grand Rapids area as of Saturday July 27th. I think I’ll keep topping the tank off anyway though. And buy a cash for life ticket too.

  5. Topped off this morning. Wouldn’t surprise me to see a hik Monday or Tuesday.

  6. 330 at local Admiral in Flint today. this place is one of the lowest in the county traditionally, but it always seems to fall in line with the others by midnite are you projecting a full on 50+ cent spike?

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