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  1. Looks like this agressive refiner buying, according to the article, will be just the spark Greedway needs. Hell, many times they don’t even need a spark. It’s $3.33 near home, so I suspect it will shoot up to $3.69. 21 cents in two days is an awful large Chicago Spot increase. WTI Crude’s drop to the $86 a barrel range has been wiped out too. It will probably close at $90+ by the end of the day. I’ve noticed it always goes up on Fridays.

    Unfortunately, here we go again.

  2. Speedway just went to $3.69 in west central ohio… Another good call.

  3. Speedway just jumped to $3.75 in Fort Wayne. Good call, Ed. I’m still looking for a reliable source for Chicago CBOB, but I just don’t think it’s out there.

  4. 3.79 Kalamazoo. I hope they choke on it…

  5. $3.699 in sw Ohio. Knew it was coming, and topped off a $3.149 earlier this morning.

  6. Absolutely hilarious (not), how The Wall Street Journal Report says the national price of gasoline dropped by 5 cents in the last 7 days. Guess they never checked these states. Gotta love it? You don’t? Me neither.

  7. Rack prices over $3.50 today, Chicago Spot up over 12 cents again today. That is why they are going up. ExxonMobil refinery in Lemont, IL shut down getting the blame.

  8. Hell, since a refinery is shut down maybe another spike on Monday? Sure hope not. Seeing 25-35 cent increases all over Ft Wayne.

  9. $3.79 in Grand Rapids on my way home from work tonight. Rat bastards.

  10. Greedway in Waterford spiked to $3.79 around noon today. Others shortly followed suit.

  11. Hey, whaddaya know? Flint MI 3.79 at virtually all main outlets. A few Admiral, BP & Marathon are spinning out the 3.44 ( lowest we were allowed to get post monday spike) price until likely midnite, when “local market consolidation” will likely occur. I topped up and grabbed a couple cans worth too. I wonder if I will hear from speedway now on facebook… after all, they can tout the OH refinery shutdown as the reason for our woes

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