Spike likely early next week

We had a good run, but it’s looking like it’s time for another spike. Indiana and Michigan are in Spike territory, while Ohio is close, and will be there after a weekend of falling prices. I expect the price to be around $3.85, and don’t rule out a possibility of a spike today.

Updated: March 9, 2013 — 8:31 am


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  1. I agree Bill. Time for those in control of prices to twist the knife in our backs a little further

  2. I was going to prepare a similar post this weekend, but Bill beat me to it. Planning to fill up Monday morning.

  3. Filling up both cars later this evening.
    Kroger is $3.499 and I have points to cash in.

  4. Early reports have us at $3.899. Gas up now if needed!

  5. $3.799 Ohio. Visual confirmation.

  6. Its happening in Grand Rapids. Two Speedways here already posted at $3.89 in the last two minutes.

  7. LOL – Good Morning America reported this morning how gas prices are falling and are expected to fall another 10-20 cents . . . . aaaaaaaaaaand we get a spike.

  8. Sam – The national average rarely, if ever, reflects conditions locally. Still though, I find myself saying that same thing every time I see a headline proclaiming a drop in gas prices.

  9. Filled up both cars yesterday at 3.52. Blinked an eye and a 37 cent jump.

  10. Got Ricker’s BP (probably the cleanest BP stations I’ve ever known) text warning and was able to fill up two cars at $3.40. That is a whopping 45¢ rise. Meanwhile, Chicago spot dropped today. All in a day of the new normal. Oh, and gas Buddy’s email on price hikes coming, came in at 7:55 PM, long after everybody but Sam’s has gone up.

  11. The Meijer alert is pretty timely, usually an hour or two before the masses up the ante. About 80-90% accurate…

    Just for kicks, has anyone observed the following semi-related phenomenon? I live near the Costco west side Indianapolis and fill up there. Next to it is a Marathon station that rarely, and I mean rarely, has anyone filling up. Said Marathon station seems to set the pace for everyone else in the busy corridor of Michigan street and seems to drag prices up for everyone, including the Costco.

    The east side Costco has lower prices than the west side one, a lot of times by 10c a gallon… I wonder if the Marathon station is simply a corporate owned “take one for the team” type station.

    Am I imagining things? there’s no way to stay in business when you have such high prices and no ‘inside sales’ to speak of…

  12. @Turbo46032 and all the other members here:
    Good observation and what you are referring to ‘inside sales’ is a real concept! the apparent rivals do business and share the spoil as it is good to have some profit than no profit!
    However, what I would request Bill and Ed is to somehow explain why a spot price increase by 7cents leads to almost 30 cents on pump? this math is not making sense. there is nothing they control on it though, this is certainly corporate greed and because, ‘we the peopel,’ pay all the prices (taxes, fee, price, etc) there must be a rational to numbers than irrational increasing and ‘we’ having no right to raise our voices against it.

  13. My take is that here in the midwest speedway resets to their 20 (to 30) cent margin and others follow. Competition then takes over for a week to 10 days, then depending on what the spot price does during that time frame, prices either continue to fall (if the spot drops) or jump by the 20 to 30 cent margine plus the spot increase (+ or -) and we start all over again. And on and on and on it goes…. Just my take…

  14. Nice to see Greedway get trumped for a change. Greedway was the first one to jack up prices from $3.52 to $3.89. What did the local Pilot station do? Raised theirs up to $3.69, forcing Greedway to immediately drop to a matching $3.69. Meanwhile the nearby Shell station hasn’t budged from $3.54 lol.

  15. Looks like another hike next week to 3.89-3.95?

  16. Spot up 9 cents today, back over $3. I’d bet on a spike Monday or Tuesday.

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